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A person using a mobile phone. E-commerce.

The Tap Economy Part 1: Screen Commerce

How lucrative could the mobile economy become? In part 1 of this series, we consider the development of M-commerce and how it is likely to expand. And, what business opportunities mobile can deliver and, how all enterprises should be m ...

Windows 7: How to Plan for Obsolescence

Tick, Tock: Windows 7 Obsolescence

With auto-updates now at an end for Windows 7, critical systems are still often run on old OSs. Why is this? And how can CTOs create a roadmap that ensures they understand and have planned for the obsolescence of their tech?

A data centre

Azure: The Future for Your Datacentre?

With Microsoft switching off Windows Server 2008, there is a distinct push to adopt Azure. Is this a good move? Silicon UK asks leading tech specialist for their views to assess whether moving to Azure is inevitable.