A new variant of a worm that exploits a vulnerability patched by Microsoft in October has infected millions of users, security researchers say. According to experts, the Conficker worm is using multiple mechanisms to spread.
News Security
ContentWatch Security Appliance Offers Filtering, Anti-malware
ContentWatch's CP 300 security appliance offers very good content filtering, traffic shaping and anti-malware capabilities, as well as excellent reporting. It also integrates with directory services such as LDAP to let businesses enforce Internet usage policy per person.
Testing Microsoft’s Windows Application Whitelisting Tool
The SRP feature in Microsoft Windows doesn't offer the same granularity of control or change management capabilities as whitelisting options from third-party suppliers, but there also are no extra licensing costs and it works well with Windows clients and servers.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: How to Prepare Your...
Companies frequently don't like to think about business continuity, disaster recovery, the expense of hot sites or even off-site storage. But, if you can't afford to lose it, then BC/DR is for you.

How to Protect Data During a Virtual Migration
Server virtualization has become a popular trend in enterprise IT. When migrating from a physical to a virtual environment, IT professionals need to ensure that their company's data is protected, current and readily available.

Database Vendors Should Push Data Masking for Enterprise Security
Database and application vendors may want to take a look at expanding their data masking capabilities as its relevance grows. While the market is currently small, Forrester Research expects it to grow in the years ahead.
SSL Crack Shows You Must Advance Your Security
The successful creation of a rogue certificate authority by security researchers using a colliding certificates attack demonstrates that if you're not moving forward with your security-related standards then you're moving backward. Everything gets cracked over time, so you have to keep improving your defenses.

Vendors Tie Database Monitoring, Security Event Management
Security vendors such as Imperva and Guardium are increasingly tying security information management to database activity monitoring. The latest example of this trend is NitroSecurity, which has integrated its NitroView DBM and NitroView ESM products.
Microsoft: Patch Server Vulnerability to Combat New Attacks
Microsoft has repeated its warning to users to apply a vulnerability patch in their Windows Server service. A new variant of the Conficker worm that targets this flaw is to blame.