News Security

Microsoft IE8: An Essential Upgrade

Some features catch up with rival browsers, others add new abilities and security functions. If you are an IE user, you should read our guide, and get to know the new version

Microsoft Releases IE8

Security, ease of use, and improvements in RSS, Cascading Style Sheets and AJAX support are key priorities for Internet Explorer 8, according to Microsoft

Beware Of Software Bearing Gifts

If your applications aren't behaving the way you expect, the problem may not be where you think. Peter Judge found that familiar, trusted software may not be quite what it appears

RFID Puts Us All at Risk

I've never really thought of myself as much of a seer, prognosticator or predictor of the future, but based on a column I wrote back in 2005, I may just have a future in the prediction field.

Microsoft Changes Windows 7 UAC

Microsoft has agreed that Windows 7 will generate a prompt if there is an attempt to change the user account control settings - in response to pressure from bloggers who claimed the planned OS was vulnerable.