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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has been a part of the tech landscape for over a decade. Thanks to COVID-19, this has changed to Work From Home Device (WFHD) with all the issues this has presented to businesses. Discover how your business ...

The Shape Of IT In A Post COVID-19 World

The Shape Of IT In A Post COVID-19 World

Global IT spend is projected to contract 8% in 2020, according to Gartner. Gartner expects IT priorities to move away from projects aimed at growth or transformation, in favour of mission-critical technology that supports operations. W ...

The State of LawTech

The State of LawTech

What is the current state of LawTech? LawtechUK, will this year, pilot a government-backed LawTech R&D programme - the Lawtech Sandbox - to help accelerate the digital transformation of the UK's legal sector. What could this mean for b ...