VeriSign is offering small businesses a dedicated online clinic to help give customers advice and assistance on trust and authentication issues
News Security
Social Networking Costs UK Economy Billions
Social networking sites such as Facebook are Twitter are costing the British economy billions of pounds a year in lost working time
Zscaler Offers Secure Web Gateway Features: Review
The recent 3.0 release brings together just about every security feature that could be offered via proxy in a straightforward GUI, yet several flaws remain
Google Street View Cars Return To UK Roads
The cars have been returned to service, minus their Wi-Fi antennas, following the 'WiSpy' privacy controversy that erupted in May
Adobe Set To Plug PDF Flaws
An out-of-cycle security patch will fix a critical bug discussed at the Black Hat security conference, among others
Microsoft Heads For Biggest-Ever Patch Tuesday
The company is to release 14 security updates affecting products including Windows, Internet Explorer, Silverlight and Microsoft Office
Google Offers Multiple Account Sign-In Feature
Users now have the ability to sign into as many as three Google accounts at the same time, from the same browser
RIM Resists Saudi Demand To Break BlackBerry Encryption
The BlackBerry maker seems willing to let the Saudi government shut down Messenger rather than compromise the security of its mobile service
Facebook Updates Privacy Controls For Mobile Users
All of Facebook's privacy settings are being rolled out to users surfing the site with mobile phones
Security Software Maker Warns Of UK Botnet Threat
Security firm Trusteer uncovered a 100,000-strong botnet swiping banking credentials, credit card information and other data from Windows users
RIM Holds ‘Last Ditch’ Talks With Saudi Arabia Over Ban
Research in Motion is reportedly in 'last ditch' talks with the Saudi Arabian government over its plans to ban BlackBerry text messaging
Sophos: The Biggest Security Risk Is You
Spam, malware, phishing and clickjacking are all high on the security agenda, but the main cause of security breaches is still human error, says Sophos's Graham Cluley
Police Arrest Six Over Online Banking Thefts
A criminal gang, thought to be responsible for stealing millions of pounds from online bank accounts, has been caught by the Met's cyber crime unit
Researchers Reveal Jailbroken iPhone Exploit
A Web-based jailbreak for the Apple iPhone shows mobile devices' vulnerability to remote exploits
Whose Phone Is It Anyway?
The US Copyright Office recently gave its approval for the jailbreaking of mobile devices, turning phones into commodities, says PJ Connolly
Heathcare Suffers Majority Of Data Breaches
The banking and finance industries are finally getting security safeguards in place, but heathcare organisations still suffer the most data breaches
RIM Denies Security Compromise Over UAE Ban
Research in Motion said it will not compromise the security of its BlackBerry phones, in response to a possible ban in UAE and Saudi Arabia
MXI Flash Drive Gains UK Government Certification
MXI Security has announced a new encrypted USB drive that meets the UK government certification standard in order to protect confidential data
Smart Meters Will Be Hacked, Warn Researchers
The actual meters are a weak point between home networks and smart grid infrastructure that will be exploited, experts warn
Android Is Still Scaring Off Enterprise Customers
If Android is going to succeed in the enterprise, Google needs to address some of the basic security and privacy issues that make IT managers shy away
Most Consumers Support Government Cyber-Spying
Sixty-three percent of people believe that it is acceptable for their government to spy on another country's computer systems
Smartphone Security Faces Looming Battle
As the power, storage and data demands on smartphones continue to grow, the greater the security threat to these devices will become, says Larry Walsh
UAE BlackBerry Ban To Impact Visitors
The upcoming ban on some of the everday functions of the BlackBerry handset in the UAE will also affect visitors to that country
British Government Sticks With IE6, Citing Cost
The British government has opted to stick with Internet Explorer 6 on its computers, despite its documented security risks
How To Clean Up A Firewall Rule Base
When the rule base gets big and tangled, it starts to affect firewall performance, warns CTO of Tufin Technologies, Reuven Harrison
Microsoft Releases Out-Of-Band Security Fix
Microsoft is patching a Windows vulnerability being targeted by attackers. The zero-day bug was disclosed publicly this month.
Majority Of Brits Happy To Pack Laptop For Holiday
The vast majority of British people believe that taking a laptop on holiday would not cause arguments with their partner or family
McAfee Expands Mobile Security Portfolio
For the second time in as many months, McAfee is pushing into the mobile security market via acquisition, this time targeting mobile security vendor TenCube
Google Crowned ‘King Of Malware’
Google distributes more malware than any other search engine - more than twice the amount of Bing, Twitter and Yahoo! combined
Ex-NSA Head: US Needs To Understand Cyber-War
At the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, former NSA Director Michael Hayden examined the concept of cyber-war and the role attendees need to play