Researchers have discovered that HTC's Android smartphones contain a serious data leak
News Security
Tasting A European Flavour of Cyber Warfare
Europe has something important to say about cyber warfare and hacktivism, says Hugh Thomson
NHS Loses 800 Patient Records On Unencrypted USB
The Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust lost the records of 800 patients and did not inform them
Protecting Facebook Users Makes Good Websense
It's great to see Facebook shelling out on Websense security to protect its users - but who will protect us from Facebook, asks Eric Doyle
Facebook Recruits Websense To Secure Users
Facebook has linked up with Websense to warn users of malicious links posted on the social network
Google Chrome Aggravates Microsoft Security Tool
Microsoft Security Essentials classifies Google's Chrome browser as malware, affecting thousands of users
Bristol Council’s Open Source Push Hits Security Buffers
The open source move by Bristol City Council has been struggling over government concerns about security
Lack Of Tools To Protect Firms From Social Media Use
IT professionals may have accepted social media but they lack the tools to protect against cyber-threats
SoftLayer Partners Still Secure For Cloud Security
SoftLayer provides cloud security with Cloud Security Monitoring Service, a free download for its customers
Facebook Fixes Cookie Privacy Issue
Facebook has changed the way it handles cookies, after accusation that it leaked personal data
Microsoft Court Order Shuts Down Kelihos Botnet
Microsoft continues to wage war with botnets after gaining a court order to take down Kelihos
Study: Spammers Hacking Legitimate Marketing Platforms
Spammers are using marketing firms' resources to make their malicious messages cleverer
US Military Finds Cyber-Defence Scheme ‘Very Promising’
The US Department of Defence is to extend a pilot programme that brings third-party contractors in on classified military planning
Small Businesses Lack Security Preparation
Small businesses must do more in order to be ready for potential data loss or security breaches Hit By Malware Infection
Drive-by attackers injected JavaScript code that sent visitors to a site hosting BlackHole malware
Microsoft Explains Windows 8 Secure Boot
Microsoft is providing more details about Windows 8 security measures including its secure boot option
Watchdog Seeks Mobile App Clampdown
The industry watchdog has warned of a clampdown on rogue mobile apps that charge users without consent
HideMyAss Anonymous VPN Shops Lulzsec Suspects
HideMyAss has admitted it does not hide people's online asses if they use its service for illegal purposes
A Grim Story Of Daily Breaches Is No Fairytale
"Scaremonger" FireEye says every network is under attack. The scary thing, says Eric Doyle , is that the story is true
UK And US Link For Lurid Storm Of Cyber-Attacks
Servers in the UK and US appear to be behind a host of cyber-attacks on former USSR countries
LulzSec And Anonymous Suspects Arrested By FBI
Two more people have been arrested for attacks against Sony and California government Websites
Email Fingered As Main Source Of Data Leaks
Many regard email as a critical business app, but a new survey pinpoints it as the main cause of data leaks
Defence Firm Probably Hit By Spear-Phishing Attack
Researchers also suspect Japanese Mitsubishi Heavy hack was similar to Operation Aurora cyber-attacks
AVG Attacks SMB Security Market
AVG makes a big play for the SMB market with updated software, resource centre and threats report
McAfee Mobile Strategy Protects Devices, Data, Apps
McAfee's three-pronged mobile security strategy is a mix of new products supported by existing services
ICO Probes Education Secretary Over Gmail Use
The ICO is making inquiries over claims that education secretary Michael Gove used Gmail for government business
Check Point Points To Social Engineering Blind Spot
IT needs to become more aware of the dangers posed by social engineering, warns Check Point’s Terry Greer-King
Lib Dems Seek To Repeal Parts Of Digital Economy Act
The Lib Dems have pledged to repeal some of the more controversial parts of the Digital Economy Act
DigiNotar Declares Bankruptcy Following Hack
The company that unknowingly issued fraudulent SSL certificates following a hack has gone out of business
Why Does Government Keep Screwing Over SMEs?
The British government is neglecting its duty to support SMEs, and missing significant cost savings in the process, says Sophie Curtis