IBM is aiming to help IT departments support more personal mobile devices while protecting data
News Security
EDF Fined €1.5m For Greenpeace Computer Hack
EDF has been found guilty of hacking into the computers of Greenpeace, and has been issued a hefty bill
Facebook And FTC Close To Privacy Settlement
Facebook will agree to 20 years of privacy audits to end privacy investigation
InfoProtect & Network Infrastructure Business Summit 2011
Two Thirds of Brits Prefer Bank Clicks To Bank Clerks
Research shows that more Brits than ever use online banking with two of three using it at least once a week
Whitepaper: Secure Printing
Administrators must consider the potential vulnerabilities posed by the printer if they are to secure their networks
FBI Smashes $14 Million Click-Fraud Cyber-Gang
US and Estonian law enforcement officers have arrested six people for a sophisticated clickjacking scam
Hadoop World Highlights Dataset Security Issues
Hadoop World speakers touted the software for analysing unstructured data, others focused on security
Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Asked To Block Newzbin2
Three more ISPs have been asked by the MPA to block illegal file-sharing site Newzbin2
Anonymous Implicated In Finnish Web Hacks
Neo-Nazi politicians were exposed in Finland - but was Anonymous really responsible?
Nearly Half Of Brits Support Social Network Blockade
Shutting down social networks in the interest of public safety is OK, says the British public
Online Privacy Tools Too Complex To Be Effective
Opt-out privacy tools to block online tracking are confusing their users, says CyLab researchers
Apple Removes Potentially Malicious App From Store
Apple has removed an app created by hacker Charlie Miller which could access users' personal details
Taming Consumer Devices In Business
As consumerisation blurs the lines of personal and professional, Comtact’s Dominic List looks at ways to cope
Hague Pressured Over Iranian Phone Tracking Tools
A British company with links to Wiliam Hague, sold mobile phone tracking software to Iran
Hackers For Hire At Bargain Prices
The cost of hiring a hacker is so affordable and effective, it is no wonder the craft is expanding, reveals Eric Doyle
Palo Alto Looks To Secure Branch Offices
Palo Alto Networks has launched new security technology aimed at branch offices, iOS devices and malware
DNS, DoS Attacks Slip Past Corporate Defences
A new study has found that existing security measures are increasingly inadequate in mitigating attacks
Chinese Firms Agree To Increase Online Censorship
Chinese firms have pledged to increase their censorship of online content as part of a government crack down
RBS Confirms Weekend Online Banking Outage
RBS has confirmed that its online banking service is back and working, after failing at the weekend
Security: How Can You Patch People?
People are just as critical as technology in safeguarding your network, says Terry Greer-King of Check Point
Beware Of Rogue Apps, Warns Safety Campaign
Malware infested apps can send hundreds of premium texts, warns Get Safe Online
KPN Uncovers SSL Security Breach
KPN has stopped issuing SSL security certificates while it investigates a four-year-old intrusion into its web server
Online Christmas Shoppers Are An Enterprise Risk
Employees doing their gift shopping at work are set to create security issues for companies this Christmas
Microsoft Issues Temp Duqu Workaround
Microsoft stepped outside its usual Patch Tuesday routine and issued a temporary Duqu workaround
US Accuses China Of Being Biggest Cyber-Threat
A report in the US accuses China and Russia of being the major players in the espionage game against the US
ICO Slams Rochdale For Data Loss
Rochdale Council lost 18,000 residents’ data on unencrypted USB stick, the ICO said
Consumers Hold Firms Accountable For Breaches
Consumers demand better data protection or their business goes elsewhere: Unisys Security Index
IBM Uses Analytics To Boost Security Systems
IBM's data analytics expertise is being applied to data from several sources to identify security threats
Secunia To Handle Vulnerability Reporting Pain
Secunia is offering an alternative to bug bounties, by handling the vulnerability reporting process