The issue of privacy has never been in the spotlight as much as it is now, but what do you know about it?
News Security
Ukraine Sitting On ‘Powder Keg’ Of More Cyber Attacks
Consultant working for government claims energy companies ignored their own security rules in power grid hack, as more attacks are predicted to come
ICO: Three-Year-Olds Can Hack Websites
Online 'How To Hack' guides makes hacking child's play, Christopher Graham tells MPs
Privacy In The Age Of The Data Breach
Greg Hanson, VP business operations EMEA, Informatica, discusses what organisations can do to protect their customers' sensitive data
Data Protection Day: Have We Learned Anything About Privacy in The Past 10 Years?
Data Protection Day is 10 years old today! But is it just marketing BS or is it genuinely helping companies and individuals keep data private?
How Will Identity And Privacy Drive Digital Transformation?
Daniel Raskin, VP of strategy at ForgeRock, thinks companies must change their approach to customer identity and privacy to achieve true digital transformation
10 Firefox Features That Will Keep Your Private Stuff Private
Nick Nguyen, VP of product, Mozilla, offers a super fast crash course in data security and privacy with Firefox
Why We Should All Care About Data Privacy Day
Dierk Schindler, head of EMEA legal field Services, NetApp, believes legal and ethical uncertainty means companies must work harder to protect individuals' data
DDoS Attacks Set To Get Bigger Following 500Gbps World Record
Happy new year. Cyber extortion, DDoS and cloud attacks, plus firewall failures set to increase in next 12 months, acording to Arbor Networks
Why Your Enterprise Must Pay Close Attention To IoT Device Security
BLOG: It's apparent now that Internet of Things security is laughably bad, but you can prevent your enterprise from being the butt of the joke
Lenovo ShareIT App Secured By ‘12345678’ Password
File-sharing app safeguarded by world's worst password, as Chinese PC maker rushes out security fixes
Magento Flaw Puts Millions Of Ecommerce Sites At Risk
Ebay-owned back end system releases patches to fix a number of damaging vulnerabilities
Government Offers Support To Cybersecurity Startups
Government hopes advice and cybersecurity support will help startups flourish, gain investment and protect the UK from an attack
A Look At Linux, Android Zero-Days And The Perils Of Patches
BLOG: A zero-day vulnerability is reported against Linux and Android, but the real risk lies in known issues that users have not yet patched
Hacked Toy Firm VTech Restores Some Online Functions
Kids toy manufacturer VTech says it's "very sorry" for hack that exposed the data of 6.4 millions children
IP EXPO Manchester April 2016
Anonymous Shuts Down Japanese Airport Website In Dolphin Protest
The DDoS attack on Narita International Airport was in retaliation for Japan's barring of a prominent animal welfare activist
California Anti-Encryption Bill Targets Smartphones
Like a recent New York State bill, the law seeks to ban the sale of mobile devices that can't be decrypted for the use of law-enforcement agencies
Will Avast’s New Headquarters Help It Level Up In The Antivirus Game?
The most successful tech company in the Czech Republic aims to improve its service by bringing Silicon Valley to Prague
Irish Government Websites Taken Down By DDoS Attacks
DDoS attack knocks Irish government websites offline, soon after major cyberattack on Irish lottery
GCHQ Developed Encryption Software ‘Has Backdoor’
Do we believe them? GCHQ denies software it developed to encrypt VoIP calls has a backdoor
Symantec Partner Scares Web Users Into Buying Overpriced Software
Researchers find a member of Symantec's partner program was offering bogus tech support and overpriced software to web users
Dridex Trojan Evolves To Continue Banking System Spree
Dridex redeveloped by its gang, as it continues to loot bank accounts around the world, IBM researchers warn
Irish Lottery Hit By DDoS Attack
Customers left unable to buy tickets for two hours following attack from unknown criminals
EU Regulators Keen To Restrict US Data Transfers
Europe plays hardball with America as the two side rush to agree new data transfer deal, before deadline
Apple Issues First OS X, iOS Security Updates For 2016
Apple's Mac OS X 10.11.3 and iOS 9.2.1 debut with patches to help improve protection against potentially exploitable vulnerabilities
NHS Cyber Security ‘Far Weaker Than Thought’
Remote and mobile working practices putting the NHS at great risk, Sophos survey finds
Facebook For Android Adds Tor Option For Anonymity
Tired of been tracked? Android users can browse Facebook using the anonymity service Tor
Linux Trojan Takes Screenshots And Captures Audio
Linux.Ekoms.1 takes a screenshot every 30 seconds but audio capture function remains dormant for now
Data Breaches And Inside Jobs Head UK Firms’ Fraud Risk Fears
EY says British firms are looking to protect against fraud at all levels