ANALYSIS: Undisclosed entitlement allowed Uber to access to an iOS device’s frame buffer, which in turn could let the company…
HMRC takes control of scam websites promoting misleading and expensive phone services
IP EXPO 2017: Cybersecurity heavyweights discuss the future of the industry, noting that the answers may be in its past
Kaspersky rejects claims it was directly involved and asks why didn't the NSA report the alleged flaw
Richard Smith, ex-CEO of Equifax, spent two days answering questions from Congress about the data breach that exposed information on…
Aerospace, defence, and manufacturing sectors in US and South Korea currently targeted by malware campaign
ANALYSIS: Much of the conversation around GDPR has focused on the security implications for businesses, but what about privacy?
IP EXPO 2017: Cybersecurity panel aren't impressed with Home Secretary Amber Rudd's renewed calls for an encryption backdoor
Yahoo now admits that devastating data breach compromised accounts that nearly equal half of the world's population
Equifax forensic investigation finds huge breach impacts 2.5m people than previously thought as wait for UK analysis continues
Mastercard Early Detection System will help banks see which cards are most at risk from a data breach
Researchers find disparities in how Mac EFI software is distributed, and it's likely Windows PCs are affected too
Amazon owned supermarket admits that a number of its stores have suffered a credit card data breach
What can you remember about the past seven days in tech?
ANALYSIS: Imagine a world where state-sponsored hackers team up with financial criminals to use ever more sophisticated tools to break…
Europol says the past 12 months have been significant for cyberattacks, especially ransomware, and wants governments to target malware developers
The stolen credit card details are up for sale in a cyber thief's bazaar
IGNITE 2017: Microsoft updates enterprise suite with compliance, security and usability tools ahead of GDPR next May, while Teams replaces…
Deloitte is conducting an internal review to see how breach happened in March, but says just a fraction of emails…
ANALYSIS: The Equifax breach began on 10 March, giving hackers nearly five months to rifle through the records of 143…
The supply chain attack was sophisticated and could have been state-sponsored
BT opens first cybersecurity R&D hub outside the UK, claiming it wants to tap into talent in Sydney and New…
Apple updates privacy and quality guidelines for developers ahead of the iOS 11 launch this week
The coming era of quantum computing will require new technologies and approaches to keep cryptography secure
Equifax says UK systems not breached but due to process error, Brits' data was stored on hacked US servers
Jason Hart guides us through his career in IT, his love of the enigma machine and why he would turn…
But Kaspersky Lab says the allegations are 'completely unfounded' and 'no credible evidence has been presented' for the ban
Microsoft makes moves to improve Windows 10 reputation for privacy in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
After absorbing HPE Software assets, Micros Focus touts its expanded security offerings
Large number of patches from Microsoft this month, as Adobe warns of five critical issues