
WannaCry ‘Hero’ Marcus Hutchins Admits Writing Trojan Code – Report

British hacker who stopped ransomware attack, tries to prevent phone call transcript being used against him in US courtroom

6 years ago

Kaspersky Lab To Open Swiss Data Centre, Amid Dutch Ban

Dutch government announces it will stop using Kaspersky Lab products, over national security concerns

6 years ago

Hackers Steal Millions From Mexican Banks Via Fake Transfers

The incident may have been orchestrated by organised criminals, says Mexico's central bank

6 years ago

Encryption Helping Crooks Evade Police, Finds NCA

Apps for encrypted communications are now being used by criminals of all kinds, not just hackers, says the National Crime…

6 years ago

PGP Encrypted Emails At Risk From ‘eFail’ Attacks

Unpatched bugs could allow attackers to decode PGP-encrypted emails - even those that are years old

6 years ago

Government Implements Tough Rules To Protect Critical Infrastructure

New rules come into force and mean critical infrastructure providers must implement "robust safeguards" against cyber attack or face stiff…

6 years ago

Operating Systems Hit By Major Security Flaw

Windows, macOS, Linux, VMware, Xen, KVM and others are affected by issues caused by their misinterpretation of chip documentation

6 years ago

Patch Tuesday Tackles Two Flaws Under Active Attack

Security updates tackles 67 vulnerabilities in total, including two zero-days being actively attacked

6 years ago

Equifax Admits 38,000 Driver Licences Stolen In Breach

Hacker treasure trove. Equifax data breach also saw the theft of data belonging to 3,200 passports

6 years ago

Twitter Quietly Tests Encrypted Messaging

Hush hush at Twitter, as it secretly adds the ability to send encrypted direct messages on its Android app

6 years ago

NSA Call Record Collection More Than Triples

The surveillance agency obtained 534 million call and text records last year

6 years ago

UK Manufacturers Top Attack Target For Cyber Crooks

Study from NTT Security also finds ransomware infections grew by 350 percent last year

6 years ago

Cambridge Analytica ‘Retained Facebook Data Derivatives’

Defunct company covered up its use of valuable predictive models drawn from Facebook information, claims report

6 years ago

Intel Chips ‘At Risk’ To Eight New Spectre-Style Flaws

The chaos caused by Spectre earlier this year was not a one-off, report claims

6 years ago

Serious Oracle Access Manager Vulnerability Patched

Oracle patches a serious vulnerability that could allow an attacker to impersonate arbitrary users (even admins)

6 years ago

Schneider Electric Software Flaws Leave Critical Infrastructure Vulnerable

Researchers from Tenable say critical infrastructure is vulnerable to cyber-attacks because of flaws

6 years ago

Twitter Urges Users To Change Passwords After Internal Gaffe

“Bug” caused passwords to be stored on internal server in readable text instead of being hashed

6 years ago

Australian Bank Confirms Loss Of 20 Million Accounts

But the biggest lender down under, fails to notify clients of the loss of two magnetic tapes containing customer data

6 years ago

Michigan Jail Hacker Sentenced To Seven Years In Prison

Hacker who tried to secure an early release for a friend will instead go to jail himself

6 years ago

Medical Devices Vulnerable To KRACK Wi-Fi Attacks

Widespread eavesdropping flaws could be used to invade hospital networks, device maker warns

6 years ago

Orangeworm Gang Stealing Healthcare Data Since 2015

Healthcare trojan found on X-ray and MRI machines after three year campaign by Orangeworm gang, Symantec warns

6 years ago

ARM Chip Safeguards IoT Physical Security

The Cortex-M35P chip protects against proximity-based attacks that can target critical infrastructure

6 years ago

ICANN ‘To Deliver Temporary GDPR Plan’ As Deadline Looms

The internet oversight body says a temporary scheme is on the way 'in the next few days'

6 years ago

WhatsApp Co-Founder Jan Koum Departs Facebook

WhatsApp co-founder departs Facebook amid reports of clashes over personal data and attempts to weaken its encryption

6 years ago

Facebook Moves To Block Privacy Case From Reaching Top EU Court

A ruling by the European Court of Justice could disrupt transatlantic data transfers for thousands of companies

6 years ago

Russia Out To ‘Own’ Blockchain As Competition Intensifies

'Blockchain will belong to the Russians,' a Russian spy reportedly tells standards delegates

6 years ago

Iran Begins To Block Telegram Messaging App

First Russia now Iran becomes latest country to begin blocking access to Telegram services

6 years ago

Criminals Arrested As Webstresser DDoS Website Taken Down

National Crime Agency involved in international operation to take down website behind four million cyber attacks

6 years ago

Hack Lets Burglars Enter Locked Hotel Rooms Without Leaving A Trace

F-Secure's method works on locks used in major hotels around the world

6 years ago

ICANN Fails To Secure Moratorium On GDPR Enforcement

With one month to go, a meeting with EU data protection agencies has only led to more negotiations

6 years ago