
All Docker Versions Vulnerable To Unpatched Flaw – Report

All versions of Docker are vulnerable to serious flaw, but a patch is being reviewed

5 years ago

Database Contains Millions Of Dating App Records

Database contains 42.5 million dating app profiles discovered that contains thousands of American records

5 years ago

Julian Assange ‘Too Ill’ To Appear For Court Hearing

The health of Wikileaks co-founder in question after his lawyers state he is too ill to appear for court hearing

5 years ago

Malware Riddled Laptop Sells For $1.3m

Eleven year old laptop containing six infamous viruses has been auctioned off for more than $1m as a piece of…

5 years ago

Alexa Patent To Listen To All Words Spoken

Privacy threat? New Amazon patent means Alexa could always listen and record every word spoken to it

5 years ago

Huawei Expands Challenge To US Federal Ban

Lawsuit against American government amended, as Chinese firm expands its legal challenge in the US courts

5 years ago

Study Finds Airline Apps Riddled With Security Bugs

Airlines' mobile apps typically contain an average of 21 vulnerabilities each and transmit data over multiple unsecured connections, researchers find

5 years ago

Researchers Release Micropatch For ‘BlueKeep’ Critical Windows Flaw

The bug has been compared to the 'EternalBlue' vulnerability behind WannaCry, NotPetya and other worldwide malware outbreaks

5 years ago

Banks Launch Fraud Repayment Scheme

The voluntary refund programme aims to address 'no fault' scams in which customers are tricked into authorising payments, but not…

5 years ago

Facebook Set To Launch ‘GlobalCoin’ Virtual Currency Next Year

But the social network faces tight regulatory scrutiny over its poor track record on protecting users' personal data

5 years ago

US Start-Up Accuses Top Huawei Executive Of Conspiracy To Steal Trade Secrets

The confrontation between Huawei and a start-up co-founded by one of its ex-employees arrives amidst broader trade tensions with China

5 years ago

Draft China Regulations ‘Could Block US Technology’

The proposed cyber security rules could be used to effectively bar US technology imports in retaliation for Huawei sanctions, industry…

5 years ago

ICO: UK Data Breach Reports Up Four Times Under GDPR

Information commissioner urges firms to focus on 'getting it right' – but promises first GDPR penalties coming soon

5 years ago

Snap Employees ‘Abused Internal Tools To Spy On Users’

The 'disappearing' message platform vendor has dedicated tools to gather user data for internal purposes, and has had to contend…

5 years ago

Baltimore Struggles After Ransomware Attack

Ten thousand computers belonging to American city still crippled by devastating ransomware attack

5 years ago

Julian Assange Faces New US Charges

Wikileaks co-founder has been hit with 17 new charges filed by the US Justice Department

5 years ago

Mobile Banking Malware On The Rise, Kaspersky Lab Warns

Worrying number of attacks by mobile banking malware, report from Kaspersky Lab discovers

5 years ago

Google Admits To Storing Unhashed Passwords

My bad. Google admission after it stored plain text passwords for 14 years on its internal systems

5 years ago

TalkTalk Fails To Inform Customers, After Breach Data Found Online

Personal details of 4,500 customers found online, despite being told by TalkTalk the data had not been compromised

5 years ago

EU Security Official Calls For Loopholes In 5G Standards

Next-generation networks make it too difficult for security agencies to spy on targets, says EU counter-terrorism coordinator Gilles de Kerchove…

5 years ago

Chinese Drones Pose Spying Risk, US Authorities Warn

Drones manufactured or sold by Chinese firms, such as market leader DJI, may pose a risk to national security or…

5 years ago

France Plans 5G Launch For Next Year In Spite Of Trade Turmoil

The country says it is not planning to ban Huawei or any other company, but will make decisions based on…

5 years ago

US Delays Huawei Sanctions, Citing Stability Risk

Google said it would resume working with Huawei after the announcement of the 90-day stay of execution, while Huawei says…

5 years ago

Salesforce Customers Still Experiencing Issues After Major Outage

The outage began on Friday after the deployment of a database script that inadvertently granted users broad permissions over companies'…

5 years ago

European Companies Report Increase In Forced Technology Transfers To China

An EU industry group finds that the number of firms reporting forced technology transfers has doubled over the past two…

5 years ago

Probe Finds Autopilot Was Engaged During Fatal Tesla Crash

The driver in a March crash had engaged his Tesla Model X's Autopilot a few seconds before the incident, preliminary…

5 years ago

Google Restricts Huawei’s Access To Android After US Blacklisting

Google says it is 'reviewing the implications' of the US ban but that current Huawei Android devices will retain access…

5 years ago

Most WhatsApp Users Have Still Not Patched

WhatsApp's vulnerability still not patched by most people Wandera warns, as Telegram boss attack the platform

5 years ago

Chelsea Manning Jailed Again For Wikileaks Testimony Refusal

As expected Manning jailed again for up to 18 months for her refusal to testify for Wikileaks investigation

5 years ago

Russian Websites Leak Valuable Passport Data – Report

Personal and passport data on 2.25 million Russians, including high ranking government officials, leaked

5 years ago