
Report Sees Big Growth Future for SaaS Security

A report from research firm Infonetics predicts software-as-a-service (SaaS) is the future of managed network security.

15 years ago

Pirate Bay Sold For £4.7 Million

The Swedish software firm buying Pirate Bay plans to use its brand together with new file-sharing technology to create a…

15 years ago

Microsoft To Open Green Cloud Dublin, Chicago Data Centres

Microsoft plans to roll out two new data centres in Dublin and Chicago in July, preparing for increased demand for…

15 years ago

Sun Ray Users Get More Options With RingCube Desktop Virtualisation

Sun Microsystems and RingCube are joining forces to offer Sun Ray users more options when deploying a desktop virtualisation environment.

15 years ago

Tory Paper Demands Government Give Back Our Data

A new Conservative think tank report is calling for citizen-centric, open source IT development to put an end to wasteful,…

15 years ago

Social Networkers Are Slack On Internet Security

A Webroot survey has found those using social networks such as MySpace and Facebook are not doing enough to protect…

15 years ago

Whitelisting: Is It Good Enough To Replace Anti-Virus?

An approved list of apps, or whitelist, is flavour of the month in security. But vendors and alanlysts question whether…

15 years ago

IBM Discovers Scheme To Manipulate Encrypted Data

A Researcher at IBM has found an encryption method that lets you operate on data without decrypting it: good news…

15 years ago

Disaster Recovery The Achilles Heel Of Virtualisation

Many companies are not able to deploy separate backup data centre locations to provide the complete data-recovery system, relying instead…

15 years ago

UK Cyber Security Agency Will Employ “Naughty Boys”

Britain's new Cyber Security Minister admits to counter-attack capability, and is accused of stealing President Obama's ideas, and eroding liberties

15 years ago

US Announces Plans For Cyber Command

Plans for the Cyber Command come a month after President Obama declared cyber-security a "national security priority" in a speech

15 years ago

Windows Security Essentials – Why Morro Might Shame Microsoft

Morro - now known as Windows Security Essentials - is a security update, and yet another admission from Microsoft that…

15 years ago

President Obama’s Take On Cyber Security

Technology executives praised the president's cyber-security strategy. But they liked Bush's recipe too: what has Obama cooked up?

15 years ago

Lost-Laptop Council Breached Data Rules

Stolen laptops had unencrypted personal data - and Manchester City Council's response may not be enough

15 years ago

UK Council Breaches Data Rules Following Laptop Theft

But the organisation says it won't ban the download of important data onto mobile devices but ensure that only "essential…

15 years ago

Security Software Up 20 Percent In 2008

According to Gartner, some of the growth was due to increased demand for appliance-based products

15 years ago

Companies Expect Job Cuts But Not In IT

Nine out ten companies say they have no plans to cut back on their IT headcount despite making redundancies in…

15 years ago

China Calls On Google To Control Explicit Content

China has begun blocking Chinese-language search engine results deemed pornographic and is calling on Google to do more to combat…

15 years ago

Microsoft Readies Free Security Software

The free product represents Microsoft's latest swing at the consumer security market, which is dominated by vendors such as Symantec…

15 years ago

Don’t Block Your Staff From The Web!

The Web is a dangerous place, but if you try to keep your employees off it, you'll only make things…

15 years ago

Researchers Uncover 40,000 Compromised Sites

Researchers at Websense uncover a mass compromise of legitimate sites in an attack called Nine-Ball that is redirecting users to…

15 years ago

China Claims Blocking Software Is Not Compulsory

While PC makers were told the software must be included with all PCs sold in China, the Chinese government is…

15 years ago

Digital Britain- It Could Be A Great Piracy Experiment

The UK government's proposed crackdown on ilegal copying could make a perfect test of the music industry's assumptions, says Peter…

15 years ago

“Spooks” Caught Up In Digital Britain Debate

UK TV spy series producer calls for the government to crack-down on file-sharing

15 years ago

Hacking Ring Breaks Into US Telephony System

US DOJ claims hacking ring broke into the telephone systems of large corporations and sold the information to Pakistani nationals…

15 years ago

Security Holes Found In Chinese Blocking Software

The Green Dam software Chinese officials want on all PCs by 1 July blocks more than just adult content, researchers…

15 years ago

Microsoft Readying Free Morro AV Software

Analysts see the move as a competitive threat to those companies, which make anti-virus products that have long been a…

15 years ago

The Best Browser for Business Is……

Cloud computing and company web apps have raised the profile of web browsers in business, but how on earth do…

15 years ago

Software Patent Pirates Plunder EU Seat

Digital freedom group sails to success in Sweden and Germany on a wave of public opinion fueled by the Pirate…

15 years ago

China Demands PCs Block Websites

The Chinese government is requiring that all personal PCs shipped into the country must have software that blocks access to…

15 years ago