
ISOC Tells WEF: No Quick Fixes For Safer Internet

The Internet Society's CEO will warn the World Economic Forum against a "knee-jerk" Internet security fix

14 years ago

Police Collar Five Suspects Over Wikileaks Hacks

Police have arrested five people suspected of being involved in the Anonymous DDoS attacks

14 years ago

Intel’s McAfee Deal Gets Conditional EU Approval

European approval is conditional on Intel keeping promises to ensure fair play against McAfee rivals

14 years ago

Code Undamaged As Fedora Site Is Hacked

An attacker accessed Fedora servers but apparently failed to compromise any software packages or servers

14 years ago

Facebook Pushes Security Measures Up The Agenda

Facebook's plans to add https sessions and "social authentication" are pushed forward following Zuckerberg hack

14 years ago

IBM’s Swift Action Reduces Bank Of China Paper Trail

The Bank of China's London office will elimintate 95 percent of its Swift paper usage thanks to IBM

14 years ago

Zuckerberg Loses Face Over Hacked Page

The high-profile hack of the Facebook founder's fan page should serve as a lesson in social network insecurity

14 years ago

Spam Levels Fall To Two-Year Low, Symantec Finds

Despite a recent upsurge after the Christmas break, spam levels are at a two year low Symantec has found

14 years ago

Apple’s New Security Czar Should Scare RIM

Apple is rumoured to be appointing a new security chief to lead its march into the enterprise. Time for RIM…

14 years ago

Phone Hacking Scandal Raises Security Questions

The government's phone hacking inquiry looks set to reopen, prompting an examination of MPs' phone security

14 years ago

ACS:Law ‘Drops All File-Sharing Cases’

Andrew Crossley has told a court that his law firm, ACS:Law, has dropped its pursuit of file-sharers due to threats

14 years ago

Hackers Sell Government Websites For Just £300

Dozens of military and government websites have been hacked and are up for sale for just over £300

14 years ago

Getting To Grips With Data Classification

Data classification has to be done, so where do you start, where do you stop and what do you do…

14 years ago

New Smartphone App Could Root Out Paedophiles

A new mobile phone application developed at Lancaster University can spot adults pretending to be children

14 years ago

Lush Admits Delay In Reporting Site Hack

Lush delayed notifying customers of its website hack for nearly a month while it conducted an investigation

14 years ago

Intel-McAfee Deal To Get EU Blessing Next Week

European regulators are reportedly ready to approve the acquisition of McAfee after Intel's concessions

14 years ago

eWEEK Readers Doubt Government Cloud

You doubt the wisdom of government data in the cloud. Next up, social networking: friend or foe?

14 years ago

Europe Calls For Tougher IP Laws

The European Commission believes that its own laws to combat online piracy are not tough enough

14 years ago

European Carbon Exchange Closed After £6m Theft

Virtual bank robbers stole €7 million in carbon credits, breaking the green exchange

14 years ago

Trojan Blocks Windows Connection To Cloud Antivirus

The Bohu Trojan has been seen in China by Microsoft attempting to block cloud-based anti-virus products

14 years ago

Cisco’s Wireless Security Goes Beyond PCI Compliance

Cisco has launched wireless security that exceeds current, and possibly future, PCI-DSS requirements

14 years ago

Social Network Scams: Biggest Security Threat For 2011

Facebook may not be up to the job of securing its service, or may not care, warns Graham Cluley of…

14 years ago

ACS:Law File-Sharing Fiasco Astonishes Judge

Trying to drop file sharing cases, ACS:Law has got itself in a worse tangle

14 years ago

Toolkits Add Impact To The Cyber-Underground

Exploit kits form a vital part of the black cyber-economy and make malware campaigns easier for attackers

14 years ago

Researcher Hacks Smartphone Radio Chips

At Black Hat a researcher is to demonstrate a technique for hacking into the baseband processors that power smartphone radios

14 years ago

Facebook Disables Phone Number Sharing

Facebook has 'temporarily' disabled a feature that allows phone number and address sharing, following criticism

14 years ago

Can The Government Prevent A DDoS Attack On Its Systems?

Governments are not immune to DDoS attacks, as hacktivist group Anonymous has proved. It's time nations started defending themselves, says…

14 years ago

Sarah Palin Email Hacker Sent To Prison

The man who hacked into Sarah Palin's email account has been sent to prison instead of a halfway house

14 years ago

ENISA Recommends Private Cloud For Public Sector

The public sector has been warned that private clouds remain the best option because of governance issues

14 years ago

What Do Facebook Users Gain From Sharing Data?

Facebook claims that users will benefit from sharing their contact details with developers. Pull the other one, says Sophie Curtis

14 years ago