
Google Pulls Infected Apps From Android Market

Android app users beware: Google has pulled more than 50 Android apps said to be infected with malware

14 years ago

Remote Working Presents Security Issues For IT

Remote access is becoming more popular, more complex and more risk-prone, forcing IT departments to get clued-up

14 years ago

VDI Can Give IT Managers A Strategic Advantage

The days of workloads running on a single, physical desktop are rapidly coming to an end, says Cameron Sturdevant

14 years ago

Facebook Modifies User Info Developer Access Plan

Facebook is still considering developer access to private information but is improving its permissions screen

14 years ago

Intel Officially Completes McAfee Acquisition

McAfee is to retain its own branding, but will become a wholly owned subsidiary of chip giant Intel

14 years ago

Morgan Stanley Was Hit By Chinese Hackers

In 2009, Morgan Stanley was hit by the same Chinese hackers who targeted Google, according to HB Gary

14 years ago

Gmail Accounts To Be Recovered From Tape

To restore the Gmail accounts it lost at the weekend, Google is going to its tape backup

14 years ago

Windows 7 SP1 Offers Security Fixes And Minor Updates

Microsoft’s Windows 7 SP1 fixes security problems and provides minor features, but it comes in a bulky bundle

14 years ago

London Stock Exchange Served Malware

A malicious ad served on the LSE's site caused problems less than 48 hours after a technical glitch stopped trading

14 years ago

Cisco Adds Context Capabilities To Security Framework

Cisco has added context-aware capabilities to its new SecureX security architecture

14 years ago

Mudlark: Data Is Your Property

The London Chromaroma game has been criticised for demanding passwords. Mudlark's Toby Barnes jumps to its defence

14 years ago

Sophos Uncovers New Trojan Targeting Macs

Sophos has discovered a backdoor Trojan specifically targeting security-lax Apple users

14 years ago

Security Cracks Open When The World’s Your Oyster

A new game that requires players to give up their Oyster Card passwords is presenting a new challenge for security…

14 years ago

Thousands Of Gmail Users Suffer Account Wipe-Out

Google is yet to identify what caused the loss of around 150,000 Gmail accounts on Sunday

14 years ago

Vodafone: Disasters Include Theft!

Peter Judge is a bit confused by Vodafone's disingenuous statements on its network service problems earlier today

14 years ago

Police To Crack Down On Facebook Bullies

Facebook bullies could get warning messages from the police, as the crackdown on cyber harassment begins

14 years ago

Vodafone Network Crippled By Break-In

Did the mobile operator not have a back-up plan in place for theft of its network kit?

14 years ago

Microsoft Fixes Attack Flaw In Security Tool

Microsoft has patched a bug in its Malware Protection Engine that could be used to take over a system

14 years ago

ISPs And Publishers Told To Work Out File-Share Plans

The government has formed a working group to find a way to block illegal file-sharing sites

14 years ago

Fraud Alert Targets The 419 Scam Spammers

Fraud Alert has launched a website for email scam reports, such as those inspired by the North African civil unrest

14 years ago

Setting The Gold Standard In Disaster Recovery

David Blackman explains why English-speaking countries are dragging their feet when it comes to data recovery

14 years ago

Turing Papers Saved for Bletchley Park

Lottery money is buying key papers of computing pioneer Alan Turing for the Bletchley Park museum

14 years ago

Business Worried About Virtual Disaster Recovery

Hybrid virtualised environments are causing businesses backup and recovery concerns reports Acronis

14 years ago

Assange Slams ‘Rubber-Stamp’ Extradiction Decision

Julian Assange has gone on the offensive after a British Judge approved his extradition to Sweden

14 years ago

Facebook May Sue Daily Mail Over ‘Sex Gang’ Headline

Legal action could follow a Daily Mail headline that linked Facebook to a paedophile gang

14 years ago

Microsoft Will Suffer For Windows Phone 7 Bug

The update which caused some Samsung Windows Phone 7 devices to crash is a minor problem - but could hurt…

14 years ago

Update: Assange Extradited, 7 Days To Appeal

WikiLeaks' Julian Assange has seven days to appeal, after a judge ruled he should be extradited to Sweden

14 years ago

Doctored Apps Hide Android HongTouTou Trojan

New Android Trojans in repackaged popular apps running wild on Chinese app markets and forums

14 years ago

Encryption’s Weak Point Exploited By Data Scraping

Pervasive Data Scraping attacks encrypted data at its weak point and is increasingly being used by hackers

14 years ago

ICO Raps Local Council Over Lost Memory Stick

Cambridgeshire County Council has been found guilty of breaching the Data Protection Act after losing a memory stick

14 years ago