
Insights Provide View On Facebook Metrics

Real-time analytics for social plugins develops traffic and clickthrough visibility

14 years ago

Metadata Could Tame Unstructured Information

Organisations are drowning in unstructured data - the only way to get control is metadata, says IDC

14 years ago

GCHQ Cyber Unit To Monitor Private Networks

The Government Communications Headquarters is fortifying its defences in the war against hackers

14 years ago

Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday Fixes Windows, Office

Microsoft's latest round of patches includes only one 'critical' bug and several 'important' flaws

14 years ago

Hackers Take Out Linux Security Mailing List

The members-only security mailing list 'Vendor-Sec' has been shut down after hackers damaged its server

14 years ago

McAfee Expands Cloud Data Centre To London

Intel acquisition does not slow regional email, web and security services expansion

14 years ago

Assange To Speak At Cambridge Union

The WikiLeaks founder will speak to Cambridge students as he awaits the results of an extradition appeal

14 years ago

ICO Warns On New EU Cookie Rules

The data regulator has highlighted the looming deadline set to shake up Internet tracking

14 years ago

Facebook Joins Samaritans In Preventing Suicides

Facebook has launched a suicide alert system in collaboration with Samaritans to help suicidal users

14 years ago

Britain’s GPS Reliance Could Lead To ‘Loss Of Life’

Brits are "dangerously over-reliant" on satellite navigation systems, according to the Royal Academy of Engineering

14 years ago

Intel Mobilises vPro Marketing To Target SMB Security

Intel has fulfilled its promise to add more advanced capabilities to vPro on its Sandy Bridge processors

14 years ago

Chinese Hackers Behind Attack

A denial of service attack that hit the blogging platform is said to have come from China

14 years ago

BlackBerry Hit By Zeus Banking Trojan

Zitmo, a mobile variant of Zeus, is now targeting RIM BlackBerry devices, Trend Micro has confirmed

14 years ago

Microsoft Looks To Kill Internet Explorer 6

Microsoft has launched an advertising campaign urging users to ditch the increasingly antiquated browser

14 years ago

SSD Firmware Causes Forensic Concern

New research calls the technologies used to safeguard and erase SSD data into question

14 years ago

Postman Begins To Deliver The Security Message

The Cyber Security Challenge has proved the talent is out there, but maybe just the tip of the iceberg has…

14 years ago

China Implicated In Hack Of French G20 Files

Hackers using Chinese web addresses tried to steal G20 documents from the French finance ministry

14 years ago

Google Issues Android Security Patch, After Attacks

Tight-lipped Google has finally admitted that DroidDream infected more than 50 apps on the Android Market

14 years ago

Postman Is Crowned UK Cyber Security Champion 2011

A Wakefield postman won the UK Cyber Security Challenge; next year the government will put in £180 000

14 years ago

Ex Cyber Minister Warns On ISP Snooping

Lord West says government must stop ISPs reading private emails without consent

14 years ago

No Patch For IE Browser Before Pwn2Own Hackfest

Unlike Microsoft, targets Apple, Mozilla, and Google are fixing their browsers before the Canadian hacking contest

14 years ago

Internet Servers Are Running But Libya Goes Dark

Libya's new Internet shut down throttles traffic but leaves its Web servers technically up and running

14 years ago

Cloud Computing Remains A Hazy Concept In Europe

Fears about personal data privacy and security are delaying the adoption of cloud computing in Europe, says Wayne Rash

14 years ago

US Prepares Virtual Friends For The Country’s Foes

The US military is building an imaginary army to wage war on its enemies who use social networking sites

14 years ago

Trusteer Warns Of Bogus Microsoft Support Calls

Scammers and fraudsters are phoning up computer users pretending to be Microsoft support staff

14 years ago

Massive DDoS Attack Puts Squeeze On WordPress

Blogging platform WordPress was hit by a massive denial of service attack affecting a number of A-list sites

14 years ago

Beijing Uses Geolocation To Monitor ‘Traffic’

Mobile phone data may help Beijing's traffic flow but location information could be used for other purposes

14 years ago

Teenage GhostMarket Founder Jailed For Five Years

The founder of a multi million-pound internet crime site has been given a reduced sentence due to his 'youth'

14 years ago

Password Management Site LastPass Fixes Vulnerability

There were red faces at LastPass after a researcher found it had a cross-site scripting vulnerability

14 years ago

Google Acquires Security Specialist Zynamics

Google has acquired German security specialist Zynamics for its software analysis tools

14 years ago