
RSA Reveals Origins Of SecurID Breach

RSA has told analysts that the SecurID breach began with a phishing email bearing a malicious Excel spreadsheet

13 years ago

IBM: 2010 Saw Rise In Security Flaws

Phishing activity declined in 2010, but more vulnerabilities and targeted attacks were identified, says IBM

13 years ago

Harnig Botnet Goes Offline After Rustock Raid

Another botnet has ceased operations after it emerged that the Harnig (Piptea) botnet has gone offline

13 years ago

Websites Hit By Massive SQL Injection Attack

An outbreak of SQL injection attacks has infected over 380,000 sites

13 years ago

Independent Internet Watchdog Proposed By ISPs

ISPs suggest an independent internet watchdog with the power to blacklist websites

13 years ago

Samsung Laptop Spyware Confirmed As False Alarm

Samsung "keylogger" spyware was a Windows Live Slovenian language directory detected as a false positive

13 years ago

Android Trojan Shames Illegal App Buyers, Steals Data

Users downloading pirated Android apps may get called out by a high-minded Android Trojan

13 years ago

IEEE Reveals Massive Credit Card Breach

The engineering society IEEE has informed 800 members that their credit cards have been compromised

13 years ago

Samsung Installed Stealth Keyloggers On Laptops

A report claims Samsung admitted to shipping laptops with an active keylogger deliberately installed

13 years ago

EU Shuts Off Webmail After Another Cyber-Attack

The European Government was forced to shut off remote access to email during a five-day long cyber-attack

13 years ago

Government Startup Site Linked To Malvertisement

StartUp Britain website inadvertently served up a malware infested ad for fake anti-virus software

13 years ago

Users Failing To Warn Friends Of Facebook Scams

Facebook scams are spreading because most users are not warning their friends, according to a new survey

13 years ago

Spam Volumes Dip After Seizure Of Rustock Servers

The global volume of spam has dropped dramatically after Rustock's servers were seized by US Marshalls

13 years ago

BBC Suffers Total Website Outage

The BBC admitted that most of its websites went offline in an incident described as a 'major network outage'

13 years ago

BP Spills Personal Data Of 13,000 Oil Leak Victims

Black marks for BP as a laptop goes missing with details of compensation claimants from last year's oil spill

13 years ago

Comodo Trust Wanes As Two More Accounts Hacked

Certification company's humiliation drags on as hacker scalps two more Comodo registration authority accounts

13 years ago

SQL Injection Attacks Hit And

SQL injection attacks targeting Oracle sites have exposed database names and email addresses

13 years ago

An APT Lesson From RSA’s SecurID Breach

RSA's breach thrust Advanced Persistent Threats to the forefront as the biggest danger to organisations

13 years ago

Birmingham Council Throws Data Warehouse At Fraudsters

Birmingham City Council has used data matching technology to catch £6.8m of false tax discounts

13 years ago

BT Music Download Service To Combat File-Sharing

BT has confirmed plans to launch a not-for-profit music download service for its customers

13 years ago

UK Firms Fined £2.2m For Software Piracy

The BSA doubled its take from 'negligent' UK businesses in 2010, with help from disgruntled employees

13 years ago

Report: Corporate Hacking More Lucrative Than Ever

A McAfee report has found that cyber-criminals are profiting more from IP theft, and stealing trade secrets

13 years ago

Who Is Carrying The Can For Cloud Data Security?

Information Risk Management is being passed around like a game of pass the parcel using a time bomb. Where does…

13 years ago

Lone Iranian Claims Responsibility For SSL Hack

A message claims a lone, patriotic Iranian hacker carried out the recent Comodo SSL theft for patriotic reasons

13 years ago

Census Threatened With Paper DoS Attack

Protesters have spotted that the census may be vulnerable, through its legacy paper support, says Peter Judge

13 years ago

TfL Opens Bidding For Tube Wi-Fi Contract

Londoners will get to surf the web at Tube stations next year as the bidding for underground Wi-Fi provision begins

13 years ago

HTTPS Bug Disrupts Secure Hotmail Service

Microsoft turned off HTTPS access for Hotmail in some countries, leaving emails open to interception

13 years ago

Lawyers Seek To Block Twitter Data Handover

Twitter's lawyers are trying to block US authorities from accessing personal data as part of a WikiLeaks probe

13 years ago

UK Cloud Security Alliance Reigns Over Info Risks

The CSA UK & Ireland set out its manifesto for raising cloud information storage risks at KPMG, London

14 years ago

Facebook Traffic Routed Through China

Facebook traffic on some networks was routed through Chinese and Korean servers, raising privacy concerns

14 years ago