
HP Adds Real-Time Threat Analysis For Developers

HP Fortify's application security analysis tool can discover software vulnerability attacks in real time

13 years ago

FBI Severs Botnet Servers And Begins Manhunt

The FBI has shut down the massive Coreflood botnet and is hunting 13 criminals who stole millions of dollars

13 years ago

WordPress Admits Hackers Stole Source Code

Hackers have stolen “sensitive bits” of source code after accessing several servers

13 years ago

Regular Patching Beats Cyber Threats, Says Expert

A security expert has highlighted the importance of patches to keep systems safe from cyber-attacks

13 years ago

Leaked Emails Heat Up Facebook Lawsuit

Developer Paul Ceglia says emails prove 50 percent of Facebook is his

13 years ago

McAfee Intrusion Prevention System Goes Virtual

Virtual and physical internal network traffic can now be inspected in McAfee's Network Security Platform

13 years ago

Barracuda Networks Embarrassed By Database Hack

Hacked security company Barracuda lost email addresses of employees, channel partners and sales leads

13 years ago

Adobe Warns Of Critical Flash Bug

Adobe is warning users about a critical Flash vulnerability after issuing its second bulletin in four weeks

13 years ago

Police Promise Rapid Identification Of Stolen Phones

Phone thieves beware, as the police now have the ability to quickly identify stolen mobile phones

13 years ago

ICO Probes CEOP Over Unencrypted Data Breach

A breach at the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre has triggered an ICO investigation

13 years ago

Online Life Is A Bit Of A Gamble

Trusting a company to look after your data could be as risky as putting your money in a Vegas slot…

13 years ago

Russia Backs Down On Skype, Gmail Ban

Russia's Federal Security Service won't ban Skype, Gmail and Hotmail on national security grounds after all

13 years ago

Don’t Cloud Over – But Be Cloud Aware

Dividing up 'cloud security' into different categories will help to make things a lot clearer at InfoSecurity 2011, says Bob…

13 years ago

BT Escapes Prosecution Over Phorm

The Crown Prosecution Service will not pursue BT and Phorm for breaching online privacy laws

13 years ago

US Congress Demands More Info On Epsilon Breach

Epsilon and Alliance Data must say how many customers were affected by the recent massive data breach

13 years ago

Microsoft Readies 64 Bug Fixes For Patch Tuesday

Microsoft is looking to fix 64 security vulnerabilities in this month's upcoming Patch Tuesday update

13 years ago

Mothercare Emails Exposed By Epsilon Hack

After Marks & Spencer, Mothercare became the second big British retailer hit by Epsilon

13 years ago

European RFID Guide Sets NFC Privacy Guidelines

The PIA Framework is a guide to how privacy concerns should be accounted for in NFC implementations

13 years ago

Smart Public Cloud For Business Launched By IBM

IBM has launched an enterprise cloud in its aim to capture £4 billion in cloud revenue by 2015

13 years ago

XSS Exploit Hidden In Facebook Bully Video

Facebook cross-site-scripting exploit uses "bully video" to deliver a sophisticated payload

13 years ago

Banks Are Failing To Protect SMBs From Online Fraud

Researcher Ponemon claims that financial institutions do not protect smaller businesses from cyber-fraud

13 years ago

M&S Customer Details Exposed In Epsilon Breach

The aftermath of the Epsilon breach is now reaching UK shores, with M&S customer data reportedly exposed

13 years ago

Epsilon Data Theft Could Have Been More Serious

Someone has stolen email addresses and names from marketing firm Epsilon but nothing more, says Wayne Rash

13 years ago

Symantec: Targeted Cyber Attacks On The Rise

2010 was the year targeted attacks got serious, using multiple zero-day flaws and social engineering

13 years ago

Epsilon Breach Exposes Thousands Of Emails

A potentially devastating data breach has been reported by marketing company Epsilon in the US

13 years ago

Security Depends On The Devious Human Touch

Hacking has become a dark, heavily financed force and digital defences alone are no longer enough to hold it at…

13 years ago

EC Urges More Action On Cyber-Defences

Member states must act swiftly to establish Computer Emergency Response Teams by next year

13 years ago

Experts Play Down Scale Of LizaMoon Attack

An engineer from Google says Websense's method of measuring the scale of the attack is inaccurate

13 years ago

EFF Demands Better Search Privacy In Europe

The Electronic Frontier Foundation wants better EU protection for 'intimate' search records

13 years ago

Android Malware Highlights Smartphones Risks

The very freedom that makes Android-based devices so attractive also makes them a malware threat, says Wayne Rash

13 years ago