Researchers for London Health Programmes have lost unencrypted records of 8.63 million NHS patients
Juror Joanne Fraill, who used Facebook to contact a defendant, is now facing up to two years in prison
The PCI Council's latest guide explores virtual environment security while Cisco shows how to achieve compliance
Anonymous has identified the US Federal Reserve as a potential target and urged its boss to stand down
Tax cheats beware: HM Revenue & Customs is planning to use web bots to crack down on tax evasion
Users could use Facebook or Twitter to access government services in the future, according to the Cabinet Office
The White House announced a smart grid proposal, as a PwC report underscored threats facing utility firms
A major attack on the International Monetary Fund appears to have been triggered by a spear phishing attack
Hackers embarrass the companies they exploit but the victims who need better protection are their customers, says Eric Doyle
A juror in a major drugs trial is facing contempt charges after contacting one of the defendants on Facebook
The European Union has created its own taskforce to counter the growing threat of cyber attacks
The Anonymous group has carried out a DDoS attack in response to the arrest of three alleged hackers in Spain
Codemasters has closed its Website after substantial customer Information was stolen over a week ago
Thirty-two people have been arrested in Turkey on suspicion of involvement with hacktivist group Anonymous
Two men have been fined a total of more than £70,000 for illegally selling lucrative customer data to third parties
Spam operations are run like legal business enterprises and rely on banks’ merchant services to function
Spanish authorities claim capture of three members of the Anonymous denial-of-service hacker group
Ofcom's ex-IT services chief has been jailed for defrauding the organisation out of more than £500,000
Adobe's quarterly update will see fixes for security flaws in all versions of Reader and Acrobat
O2 customers are once again experiencing network difficulties, this time in East London and Essex
The hacker group Lulzsec has fired a warning shot across the bows of the NHS over its network security
Surrey County Council has been fined £120,000 for sending sensitive data to taxi firms, among other breaches
Microsoft will release 16 bulletins next week for 34 vulnerabilities in Windows, Excel, IE and SQL Server
Citigroup has confirmed it has been hit by hackers who have exposed the details of thousands of customers
Microsoft denies careless talk that suggested the Russian secret service might get access to Skype encryption
Defence secretary reveals that serious cyber-attacks against government systems are increasing rapidly
The Duchess of Cambridge reportedly had her phone and bank account hacked by detective Jonathan Rees