
Former Ofcom IT Chief Jailed For Fraud

Ofcom's ex-IT services chief has been jailed for defrauding the organisation out of more than £500,000

13 years ago

Adobe Readies Reader, Acrobat Fixes

Adobe's quarterly update will see fixes for security flaws in all versions of Reader and Acrobat

13 years ago

O2 Admits East London Network Outage

O2 customers are once again experiencing network difficulties, this time in East London and Essex

13 years ago

IPv6: Pathetic Tools And Poor Hardware Support

World IPv6 Day proved there is a lot of IPv6 out there, but adoption is still disappointing. The industry needs…

13 years ago

Lulzsec Hackers Warn NHS Over Security

The hacker group Lulzsec has fired a warning shot across the bows of the NHS over its network security

13 years ago

Surrey Council Hit By Biggest ICO Fine To Date

Surrey County Council has been fined £120,000 for sending sensitive data to taxi firms, among other breaches

13 years ago

Microsoft Preps 16 Security Fixes For Patch Tuesday

Microsoft will release 16 bulletins next week for 34 vulnerabilities in Windows, Excel, IE and SQL Server

13 years ago

Citigroup Breach Exposes 210,000 Customer Details

Citigroup has confirmed it has been hit by hackers who have exposed the details of thousands of customers

13 years ago

Microsoft Promises Not To Open Skype To Russian Spooks

Microsoft denies careless talk that suggested the Russian secret service might get access to Skype encryption

13 years ago

Government Blocked 1,000 Serious Attacks Last Year

Defence secretary reveals that serious cyber-attacks against government systems are increasing rapidly

13 years ago

Kate Middleton’s Phone And Bank Account Hacked

The Duchess of Cambridge reportedly had her phone and bank account hacked by detective Jonathan Rees

13 years ago

Java Update Fixes 17 Remote Execution Vulnerabilities

Oracle has closed 17 remote execution vulnerabilities in Java, most are in the runtime browser plug-ins

13 years ago

UK Government Prepares To Block Extremist Websites

The UK government is preparing to block sites that promote terrorism and extremism

13 years ago

FBI Controls One Quarter Of All US Hackers, Says Expert

An estimated 25 percent of US hackers are coerced into becoming FBI puppets, says the publisher of 2600 magazine

13 years ago

Cyber-Thieves Aim At Cloud And Virtualised Servers

Cyber-criminals are attacking virtualised data centre systems and targeting cloud environments

13 years ago

Facebook Responds To Facial Recognition Concerns

Facebook admits it should have been more clear about the roll out of Tag Suggestions using facial recognition

13 years ago

Zeus Malware Hidden In Fake LinkedIn Messages

The LinkedIn social networking site is being used to find victims to target with malicious phishing emails

13 years ago

RSA Replaces SecurID Tokens After Lockheed Hack

Security vendor RSA will replace SecurID tokens for customers due to the rising atmosphere of cyber-threat

13 years ago

Chinese Press Slams Google Over Gmail Hack Claims

Google has been slated by China's Communist newspaper, which accused it of stirring 'political unrest'

13 years ago

Facebook Quietly Rolls Out Face Recognition

Facebook's tagging suggestions feature uses facial recognition technology, prompting privacy concerns

13 years ago

Skype Suffers Another Embarrassing Crash

Skype has crashed once again, leading to fresh questions over its reliability as a communication tool

13 years ago

Patience And The Art Of Spear Phishing

Like sea anglers, professional phishers hope to make their fortunes by patiently using sprats to catch something bigger, says Eric…

13 years ago

Kaspersky Finds Banking Malware On Amazon Cloud

Amazon Web Services is being used to spread malicious software, according to a Kaspersky researcher

13 years ago

Adobe Fixes Flash Flaw Utilised In Gmail Hack

Adobe has issued an emergency patch to a Flash flaw said to be behind the recent Gmail hack

13 years ago

Syrian Internet Cut Off During Protests

About two-thirds of Syria's Internet access was cut off on Friday, amidst some of the biggest protests to date

13 years ago

Nintendo Hit By Lulzsec Hackers

Following its recent hacks of Sony and others, Lulzsec has carried out a 'friendly' hack on a Nintendo server

13 years ago

Russian Reverse Engineer Praises Skype

Good products can't stay proprietary for long, says Efim Bushmanov, the Russian who published an open source version of Skype's…

13 years ago

Hacker Lays Security Blame On Software Vendors

Software vendors need more incentives to secure their products, says iPhone hacker Charlie Miller

13 years ago

Most Websites Leak Sensitive Data, Survey Finds

Most websites are guilty of leaking sensitive user information, according to an academic survey

13 years ago

UN: Britain’s Digital Economy Act Violates Human Rights

The Digital Economy Act with its ability to cut off Internet access violates our human rights, says the UN

13 years ago