
Oracle Critical Patch Update Is A Big Debugger

Oracle will patch 78 software vulnerabilities across its product portfolio, including the database, PeopleSoft and Solaris

13 years ago

Anonymous Launches ‘AnonPlus’ Social Network

Hacktivist group Anonymous has been banned from Google+, and is working on its own social network, AnonPlus

13 years ago

Anonymous Attacks Monsanto, Steals Employee Data

Anonymous releases information stolen from Monsanto as the US Senate addresses cyber-security issues

13 years ago

Queen Honours The Codebreaking World War Heroes

The Queen unveiled a memorial in Bletchley Park honouring those who played a great role in ending WWII

13 years ago

EU’s Lawmakers Seek Enterprise Input On Data Laws

The European Commission has thrown open the debate on refinements to laws on reporting data breaches

13 years ago

Google Chrome OS Hacked Using ScratchPad App

A security researcher used Chrome OS ScratchPad to show how permissions can be abused to steal data

13 years ago

Vodafone Sure Signal Subject To Phone Hacking

Calls made using Vodafone's Sure Signal femtocells can be hacked and recorded, according to researchers

13 years ago

Pentagon Admits Thefts Of Terabytes Of Defence Data

The Pentagon admitted major data breaches while announcing a cyber-defence plan and tactical exercises

13 years ago

Security Tops Readers’ Cloud Woes

Our readers still think the cloud lacks security. Next: What business tasks do you do on your mobile?

13 years ago

Malware Hits News Corp Websites Down Under

Hackers managed to plant malware in a number of websites owned by Rupert Murdoch in Australia

13 years ago

GCHQ Boss Complains Of Cyber Brain Drain

GCHQ is losing cyber security 'whizz kids' to the likes of Google because it cannot match corporate salaries

13 years ago

NotW Hacks Reveal Danger Of Weak Passwords

The reason British tabloids were able to hack into so many voice mail accounts is because it was insanely easy,…

13 years ago

Digital Cold War Breaks Out Between Web Sheriffs

A 'digital Cold War' has been declared between British and Russian anti-piracy companies

13 years ago

Encryption Password Sparks US Constitutional Battle

A case in the US is raising questions over whether government can force companies to disclose passwords

13 years ago

IronPort Update Targets Spear Phishing Attacks

Cisco has updated IronPort to protect users from targeted attacks such as spear phishing emails

13 years ago

Julian Assange Accused Of ‘Coercion’ By Prosecution

Julian Assange's court fight continues, with prosecutors accusing the Wikileaks founder of coercion

13 years ago

Malware Threatens 60% Of Adobe Reader Users

Users who fail to update Adobe Reader are a sizeable and tempting malware target, says Avast

13 years ago

Health Department Lost Hundreds Of Laptops

More than 250 laptops have gone missing from the DoH over the last 10 years - many of them unencrypted

13 years ago

Government: Social Networks Pose Terrorism Threat

New technologies are being used to plan terrorist attacks, according to the government's new security strategy

13 years ago

Study: Cyberstalking Victims Need More Support

The first ever British cyberstalking study reveals that two-thirds of victims want more support

13 years ago

Yahoo Denies Spying On Mail Users

Consumer group Which? claims that Yahoo is snooping on users' mail, but Yahoo says this is standard practice

13 years ago

WikiLeaks’ Assange In High Court Extradition Appeal

New legal team for WikiLeaks' Assange will take human rights angle in two day High Court extradition appeal

13 years ago

Android Trojans Target Prime-Rate SMS

Two newly discovered Android Trojans steal from users by sending messages to prime-rate numbers

13 years ago

Avast Splices The Mainbrace With A New Release

Avast is based in Prague, a city of light and dark contrasts, which is a suitable backdrop for an anti-…

13 years ago

Anonymous Releases 90,000 US Military Passwords

Anonymous has disclosed log-ins for 90,000 military employees as part of 'military meltdown Monday'

13 years ago

Homeland Security Warns Of Malware Infected Electronics

Homeland Security in the US has said that consumer devices are purposely being shipped with malware

13 years ago

Malware Threatens 5 Percent Of Android And iPhones

Trusteer warns that five percent of iPhones and Android phones will be infected with malware in 2012

13 years ago

DLP Should Be A Help Not A Hindrance

Data loss prevention doesn’t have to be an "all-up" approach. Sometimes, it’s best to start with the simple things, says…

13 years ago

Artist Raided Over Apple Store Spy Snaps

A New York artist has been visited by the Secret Service after he used Apple Store computers to snap shoppers

13 years ago

Facebook Hit By Video Calling Scam

Just days after launch, the scammers have started hitting on Facebook’s video callers with a fake application

13 years ago