
LinkedIn Backtracks Over User Privacy Changes

LinkedIn has relented, following public pressure, after it quietly changed its users’ privacy settings

13 years ago

European Mobile Security Zooming Up To The Cloud

IDC says mobile management and security in Europe is heading for massive growth in the cloud

13 years ago

Hong Kong Exchange News Site Blocked By DDoS

A distributed denial of service attack hit the HK Stock Exchange News Web but trading was relatively unaffected

13 years ago

Bug Fix Readied For Google+ IM Problem

Google is to fix a problem that allows some Google+ users to see other instant messaging chats

13 years ago

Lush Hack Leads ICO To Warn Other Online Retailers

Lush Cosmetics avoided an ICO fine for a recent security breach but had to pay for an expensive redesign

13 years ago

LinkedIn Privacy Concerns After User Setting Change

LinkedIn has quietly changed its users' privacy settings without explicitly warning of the change

13 years ago

Anonymous Facebook Threat May Be Malware Lure

Threat of Anonymous "killing" Facebook is either a hoax or the work of a small group linking to malvertising

13 years ago

Brits Fail Mobile Password Protection Test

The majority of Brits are failing to protect a device that contains lots of valuable data - their mobile phone

13 years ago

China Bites Back And Links US to Cyber-Attacks

A Chinese report turns the tables and links US IP addresses to increased cyber-attacks on its websites

13 years ago

Most Mobile Apps Fail To Secure Personal Logins

ViaForensics tests showed that 76 out of 100 mobile apps did not store user account names securely

13 years ago

Attacks Usually Detected By ‘Gut Feel’, Expert Warns

The usual anti-virus, firewalls and IDS tools are being increasingly bypassed, a security expert warns

13 years ago

Facebook ‘Reads’ User Updates For News Feature

A new Facebook feature scans users' posts and then groups messages around particular topic pages

13 years ago

Black Hat: Industrial Controller Security At Risk

In the wake of Stuxnet, Black Hat researchers disclosed vulnerabilities found in industrial-control systems

13 years ago

Gartner: Enterprises Must Revise Privacy Policies

Privacy policies need revamping for cloud, location-based services, security breaches and new regulations

13 years ago

Black Hat Conference Highlights SSL Trust Issues

Underscoring questions around SSL, a researcher showed a Firefox add-on that bypasses SSL certification

13 years ago

The EU Cookie Laws Will Be Hard To Swallow

When it comes to kicking out the cookies, the EU may have bitten off more than it can eschew, argues…

13 years ago

Security Researchers Warn Of Android Design Flaw

Researchers have warned of a flaw in Android that allows fake pop-ups to appear in legitimate apps

13 years ago

Malware Wave Infects Six Million e-Commerce Pages

A malware infection, based on known flaws, has hit millions of e-commerce Web pages in the past two weeks

13 years ago

Hackers Out US Police Officers To Avenge UK Arrest

Lulzsec and Anonymous have published stolen law enforcement data in revenge for UK's 'Topiary' arrest

13 years ago

Black Hat Researcher Slams Sophos

Security apps should be open to scrutiny, said a Black Hat speaker, using Sophos Antivirus as an example

13 years ago

Citigroup Reports Another Card Breach

Citigroup's Japan credit card unit reported that personal information for about 92.400 customers was stolen

13 years ago

FBI Arrests Facebook Spam King

Facebook spammer Sanford Wallace has turned himself in to the FBI after a July indictment in the US

13 years ago

Black Hat Organiser Touts Increased Cyber Awareness

Organisations are more aware of cyber security thanks to researchers exposing vulnerabilities

13 years ago

Street View Trike Captures Bletchley Park Images

Google has hosted a garden party and used its Street View cameras to raise funds for Bletchley Park

13 years ago

Met Tweets To Lulzsec, US Calls Them ‘Script Kiddies’

The Met took to Twitter to warn off would be hackers as the US government reported on hacktivists

13 years ago

Microsoft Fixing 22 Flaws In August Patch Tuesday

Microsoft's August Patch Tuesday fixes bugs in Internet Explorer, Windows desktop and server, and Visio

13 years ago

Chinese Android App Stealthily Records Mobile Calls

An Android app from China can record and transmit phone conversations without the owner being aware

13 years ago

Enterprise Plus For Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

Amazon Web Services launches VPC globally and announces Direct Connect and identity management

13 years ago

Former CIA Official Warns Of Imminent Cyber-War

A former CIA counter-terrorism expert has told Black Hat attendees that a major cyber-attack is imminent

13 years ago

Microsoft Opens Cheque Book For Ethical Hackers

Blue hat is the new white hat, as Microsoft offers money to ethical hackers who contribute towards security

13 years ago