Facebook has changed the way it handles cookies, after accusation that it leaked personal data
Microsoft continues to wage war with botnets after gaining a court order to take down Kelihos
Spammers are using marketing firms' resources to make their malicious messages cleverer
The US Department of Defence is to extend a pilot programme that brings third-party contractors in on classified military planning
Small businesses must do more in order to be ready for potential data loss or security breaches
Drive-by attackers injected JavaScript code that sent MySQL.com visitors to a site hosting BlackHole malware
Microsoft is providing more details about Windows 8 security measures including its secure boot option
The industry watchdog has warned of a clampdown on rogue mobile apps that charge users without consent
HideMyAss has admitted it does not hide people's online asses if they use its service for illegal purposes
"Scaremonger" FireEye says every network is under attack. The scary thing, says Eric Doyle , is that the story is…
Servers in the UK and US appear to be behind a host of cyber-attacks on former USSR countries
Two more people have been arrested for attacks against Sony and California government Websites
Many regard email as a critical business app, but a new survey pinpoints it as the main cause of data…
Researchers also suspect Japanese Mitsubishi Heavy hack was similar to Operation Aurora cyber-attacks
AVG makes a big play for the SMB market with updated software, resource centre and threats report
McAfee's three-pronged mobile security strategy is a mix of new products supported by existing services
The ICO is making inquiries over claims that education secretary Michael Gove used Gmail for government business
IT needs to become more aware of the dangers posed by social engineering, warns Check Point’s Terry Greer-King
The Lib Dems have pledged to repeal some of the more controversial parts of the Digital Economy Act
The company that unknowingly issued fraudulent SSL certificates following a hack has gone out of business
The British government is neglecting its duty to support SMEs, and missing significant cost savings in the process, says Sophie…
Sonatype Insight manages the use of open-source software in enterprise systems development
Symantec says there is nothing wrong with the SSL system but CAs need to improve their security
The DigiNotar and Comodo SSL certificate hacker has declared his manifesto to rid Iran of dissidents
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries weapons systems targeted by at least eight different types of malware
The virulent Nimda worm shocked the world in 2001, but we are only just starting to learn the lessons of…
Sea dogs climb aboard German ship of state on Talk Like a Pirate Day, calling for Internet freedom
Sony's new terms of service are about protecting Sony, not PlayStation Network users
Oracle patched the Apache Killer vulnerability in Oracle Fusion Middleware and Application Server