
Duqu Server Shut Down In India

Indian authorities have seized hard drives from a server linked with the Duqu worm

13 years ago

GCHQ Boss Warns Of ‘Disturbing’ Cyber Threat

The director of GCHQ warns cyber crime is growing, ahead of the London International Cyber Conference

13 years ago

UK Companies Risk Data Theft Through Dirty Dumping

Computer Aid warns that companies risk reputational damage by not disposing of IT equipment properly

13 years ago

Google To Take Street View Indoors

Google's latest expansion of its Street View service will cover the inside of popular businesses

13 years ago

Facebook Introduces Identity Theft Protection

Facebook's new App Passwords and Trusted Friends features are designed to fend off attacks and malicious apps

13 years ago

US Critical Infrastructure Weathers Cyber-Assaults

The US' critical infrastructure is facing a growing number of attacks, says the Department of Homeland Security

13 years ago

The Dangerous Myth Of Malware-Proof Platforms

Tsunami Trojans on Apple Macs joins an attack wave that shows every device owner needs malware protection, argues Wayne Rash

13 years ago

Tsunami Wave Of Mac DDoS Malware Spells Danger

Formerly a Unix backdoor, the Tsunami Trojan targets Macs for a DDoS bot army

13 years ago

RIM Establishes Indian BlackBerry Surveillance Lab

RIM is reportedly aiding Indian authorities to legally access BlackBerry messages

13 years ago

Chinese Hackers Blamed For US Satellite Attack

Two US satellites have been attacked with the finger of suspicion pointed at the Chinese military

13 years ago

QinetiQ Team Decorated For Afghanistan Work

QinetiQ armed forces' contractors are honoured by the Duke of Kent for their frontline work in Afghanistan warzone

13 years ago

Symantec: Spammers Create Shortened URL Services

Spammers are now using their own publicly available shortened URL services to spread their scams

13 years ago

MPs Want Jail Sentences For Data Misuse

A Justice Committee report has declared current penalties insufficient to deter data privacy offences

13 years ago

Cyber-Attack Fears Boost Symantec’s Quarter

Symantec posted strong quarterly results, noting continuing demand despite the uncertain economy

13 years ago

Google Hands Over £16,000 For Chrome Bug Bounties

Google has paid out over £16,000 to bug hunters who uncovered 18 flaws in Chrome 15

13 years ago

BT Given Two Weeks To Block Newzbin2

BT has been given 14 days to block access to the file-sharing Website Newzbin2, and must pay the costs

13 years ago

Government Asks YouTube To Pull Down 135 Videos

The UK government is increasingly asking YouTube to block videos for security reasons, Google report says

13 years ago

Hacker Tool Targets SSL Flaw

A hacker tool is able to bring down SSL servers using a laptop and a standard Internet connection

13 years ago

SMBs Don’t Have Internet Usage Policies

Many employees are lacking appropriate guidance on which websites and services they can use

13 years ago

Nuclear And Military Data Taken In Mitsubishi Hack

Highly sensitive military and industrial data was stolen from Mitsubishi when it was hacked in the summer

13 years ago

The FBI’s Unrealistic Dreams For Network Security

The FBI’s wish for a totally secure alternate Internet that will protect against hackers and terrorists can never exist, says…

13 years ago

Google Adds Security Features To Ice Cream Sandwich

Google's Android 4.0, 'Ice Cream Sandwich', includes a feature designed to head off malware damage

13 years ago

Anonymous Shuts Down 40 Child Porn Sites

Hacktivist group Anonymous has taken down 40 child porn sites and published details of suspect paedophiles

13 years ago

XML Encryption Standard Cracked

A flaw in XML Encryption may force major web services companies to adopt a new standard

13 years ago

RSA Attack Was Part Of A Wider Campaign: Report

The RSA Security hack was part of a wave of incidents that hit hundreds of companies, according to experts

13 years ago

Cash-Strapped WikiLeaks Suspends Publishing

Wikileaks will stop publishing leaked cables, as the payment companies' financial blockade takes its toll

13 years ago

Chinese Hackers Threaten British Economy: MoD

British companies need to step up their cyber security defences to avoid being put out of business by hackers

13 years ago

Facebook Denies ‘Shadow Profiles’ Claim

Facebook has denied allegations it is building profiles of non-users ahead of a data protection audit this week

13 years ago

Microsoft’s Official YouTube Channel Hacked

Hackers gained control of Microsoft's YouTube account over the weekend, replacing videos and advertising

13 years ago

Security Is Draining Down The Plughole Of Privacy

Little by little we are giving up our privacy and with it security ebbs away without us realising what we…

13 years ago