Opt-out privacy tools to block online tracking are confusing their users, says CyLab researchers
Apple has removed an app created by hacker Charlie Miller which could access users' personal details
As consumerisation blurs the lines of personal and professional, Comtact’s Dominic List looks at ways to cope
A British company with links to Wiliam Hague, sold mobile phone tracking software to Iran
The cost of hiring a hacker is so affordable and effective, it is no wonder the craft is expanding, reveals…
Palo Alto Networks has launched new security technology aimed at branch offices, iOS devices and malware
A new study has found that existing security measures are increasingly inadequate in mitigating attacks
Chinese firms have pledged to increase their censorship of online content as part of a government crack down
RBS has confirmed that its online banking service is back and working, after failing at the weekend
People are just as critical as technology in safeguarding your network, says Terry Greer-King of Check Point
Malware infested apps can send hundreds of premium texts, warns Get Safe Online
KPN has stopped issuing SSL security certificates while it investigates a four-year-old intrusion into its web server
Employees doing their gift shopping at work are set to create security issues for companies this Christmas
Microsoft stepped outside its usual Patch Tuesday routine and issued a temporary Duqu workaround
A report in the US accuses China and Russia of being the major players in the espionage game against the…
Rochdale Council lost 18,000 residents’ data on unencrypted USB stick, the ICO said
Consumers demand better data protection or their business goes elsewhere: Unisys Security Index
IBM's data analytics expertise is being applied to data from several sources to identify security threats
Secunia is offering an alternative to bug bounties, by handling the vulnerability reporting process
Kroll Ontrack updates its cloud-based e-discovery software to better enable internal document discovery
The government has published procurement advice for public sector bodies acquiring open source software
Wayne Rash examines the collateral damage lying in the wake of Duqu - the vicious worm that could be the…
BIS has partnered Google, Mastercard and others to help consumers access the data companies hold on them
Cyber Atlantic 2011, the first joint US-EU cyber security exercise, takes on the top new threats
Two Ukranian ringleaders are among 13 jailed for infecting computers with malware and stealing £2.9 million
Bocada Vision addresses issues of VM recoverability by providing insight into backup success and recovery points
A study has revealed a significant number of people are failing to protect their personal data with backups
It's not as easy to scrape personal data as researchers claim, says Facebook
Researchers criticise Facebook's security after stealing 250GB of personal data from Facebook users
Cyber-thugs focus on malware as industry fights back