
Police Shutter 2,000 Fraudulent Shopping Sites

Fake e-commerce sites defrauded shoppers of millions of pounds ahead of Christmas buying season

13 years ago

Mac Hack Brings Laptops Home

Stolen Mackbooks recovered using a mixture of luck, technology and a little quick thinking

13 years ago

US Water Utility Attacked Via SCADA Network

Hackers destroyed a pump at a US water company after hacking into the network of a SCADA vendor

13 years ago

Survey: Administrators Fail To Manage Firewall Rules

Because firewall management is not automated, admins are cheating on audits, a study says

13 years ago

Cloud Security Compliance List Attracts Star Players

Google, Microsoft and others have signed up to the CSA's Star list of security-compliant cloud providers

13 years ago

Ruling Allows US Authorities Unwarranted Access To Any Stored Data

A court ruling ordering Twitter to hand over an Icelandic MP's private data has broader repercussions

13 years ago

Cryptocard Buys GrIDsure Tokenless Patents

Tokenless authentication patents to help Cryptocard grow in SMB market

13 years ago

Cyber-Crime Data Slips Through The Met

Cyber-crime data is lost because victims refuse to report breaches, Metropolitan Police told Commons

13 years ago

nCircle Opens PureCloud Security Scanning Service

The service automatically discovers systems and devices on the network and scans for exposures to risk

13 years ago

Microsoft Removing Painful Updates With Windows 8

Microsoft is promising users fewer annoying restarts after revamping its update policy for Windows 8

13 years ago

Kindle Fire Tablet Rooted By Android Coders

Android coders have successfully rooted the Amazon Kindle Fire tablet to allow for its customisation

13 years ago

The US SOPA Is Our DEA In Cowboy Boots

Britain has had two years of legal debate about the online copyright isssue, says Peter Judge. Why has the US…

13 years ago

Websense Predicts Explosive 2012 For Cyber Crime

London Olympics, US presidential elections, and Mayan calendar will lead to broad attacks by criminals

13 years ago

Cyber Security Challenge Gains Support And Patron

Baroness Neville-Jones is the CSC's first patron and four new sponsors join the group

13 years ago

Nursery School Loses Pupils’ Data… On Tape

The ICO has slammed a Wolverhampton nursery school which lost records on a tape

13 years ago

SOPA: An Act That Would Break The Internet

The US House Of Representatives' Stop Online Piracy Act would break e-commerce and still fail to prevent piracy, says Wayne…

13 years ago

South Korea Wants ISPs To Take Anti-Spam Measures

The South Korean government's "Block 25" plan could also block legimiate traffic and suppress dissidents

13 years ago

UK Companies Don’t Encrypt Enough, Says Survey

Despite breaches, half of the UK's organisations are risking breaches from laptops and USB sticks

13 years ago

Facebook Pursues Attackers After Porn Spam Attack

Facebook said it has identified the people who used a cross-site scripting vulnerability to spam users

13 years ago

Kaspersky Reveals Duqu Origins, Claims Iran Knew

Kaspersky revealed that elements of Duqu have been around since 2007, and Iran knew but didn't tell

13 years ago

Google: Why Is Wi-Fi Location Opt-Out, Not Opt-In?

Opting out of Google's Wi-Fi location system for privacy is not easy. Wayne Rash says it should have been an…

13 years ago

Google Offers Opt-out For Location Services

To keep off Google Maps, change your Wi-Fi SSID - but critics say this is too complicated

13 years ago

Symantec Buys Out Of Huawei Joint Security Venture

Symantec agrees to sell its stake in Huawei Symantec Technologies to its partner for $530 million

13 years ago

Symantec IM Security Cloud Addresses Compliance blocks messages that are malicious or violate corporate policy and the user is notified

13 years ago

Link Between TDSS Rootkit And DNSchanger Found

Trojan may be planted by the TDSS rootkit, the hard-to-remove malware behind numerous attacks

13 years ago

Valve Admits Steam Gaming Service Hack

Another gaming service has suffered a damaging hacking attack, but this time it is Valve's Steam not Sony

13 years ago

ICO Demands Jail Sentence For Web Gambling Sting

The Information Commissioner has fined a man for selling the personal details of online bingo players

13 years ago

Banks Battle Increased Cyber-Attacks

Cyber-criminals are using malware and man-in-the-middle tactics to transfer cash from bank accounts, even with two-factor authentication in place

13 years ago

Porn and Violence Floods Facebook Newsfeeds

Users have complained of violent and sexual images appearing on their profiles

13 years ago

W3C Publishes Online Privacy Drafts

Web standards maker W3C proposes a standard for "do not track" features in browsers

13 years ago