Modified version of Zeus malware targets online banking customers to capture bank and telephone data
Many companies have not protected their trademarks from exploitation by adult-domain squatters
The US Trade Representative has secretly negotiated a more restrictive treaty to avoid a congressional review and public objections, says…
Hosting companies Cogent and Carpathia agree to preserve user files for further two weeks
Start-up CloudPassage has launched a security-as-a-service offering combining hosted security with cloud access for public and hybrid cloud users
Users are protesting at Twitter's decision to censor content in certain countries in line with local laws
Legitimate files on the Megaupload site may be deleted this week, say US federal prosecutors
KPN and T-Mobile say that censorship should only be used as a ''drastic measure'
Two judges have given medical experts 28 days to report on hacker McKinnon's psychological state pending his extradition appeal
Facebook and the State of Washington are suing a marketing firm over a 'likejacking' scam that allegedly brought in up…
An alliance between 15 companies is hoping to set a standard to effectively wipe out email phishing
Council sent information to the wrong people five times in six months
Ministry of Justice catches 350 inmates using social network in past year, but more slip through the net
The FBI is seeking to develop software to scan Twitter and Facebook for 'emerging threats'
The UK police's BlackBerry project has been criticised, but is kicking BlackBerry just this year's fashion, asks Peter Judge
A key MEP protests the ACTA copyright treaty which could become European law in June
According to the National Audit Office, the government programme “did not provide value for money”
Pirate Parties rally MegaUpload users for potential joint lawsuit against "unjustified" closure of file-sharing site
Twitter says it must block tweets to grow internationally, but promises to clearly mark when it does so
AT&T's chief privacy officer says the 24-hour deadline would force companies to notify all customers rather than just those affected
'Bringing Your Own Device' to work allows people the freedom to work with devices best suited to them. But, as…
Symantec warns older versions of pcAnywhere are at "increased risk" following theft of source code
O2 claims that it now only shares customers' numbers with 'trusted partners'
Street protests and online hacking has hit Poland over its support for the controversial ACTA copyright agreement
Google is to unify its privacy policies across its online product portfolio, but some are worried by the move
The EU's Viviane Reding has announced a 'right to be forgotten' and large fines but missed the security issues, say…
Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom's fight against extradition to the US takes a blow after judge denies him bail
O2 users' numbers are given to every site they visit. Security experts suspect a mistake, not malice
Twitter is buying Dasient for its malware-detecting Website scanner to combat malicious online links and ads