
Android Malware Scam Nets Millions Per Year

Criminals have created a network of infected Android devices that could be netting millions per year, researchers say

13 years ago

Google Defends Mobile Wallet Security

Google has demanded users stop their efforts to hack Android smartphones to test the security of the Google Wallet payment…

13 years ago

Arbor Networks: Tools Now Automate DDoS Attacks

Automated toolkits are now making it possible for criminals to launch DDoS attacks without much technical knowledge

13 years ago

Citadel Trojan: Open-Source Malware Community Adds Customer Care

Experts warn that Zeus malware market is mirroring big business, with social networks and help forums

13 years ago

Google Wallet PIN At Risk On Android Devices

The PIN code on Google Wallet on Android smartphones can be cracked, security researchers have discovered

13 years ago

Kaseya Advises Caution On Government’s BYOD Strategy

Liam Maxwell announces government initiative to implement Bring Your Own Device, except in high security areas

13 years ago

Iran Begins Blocking Sites Using HTTPS Protocol

Reports suggest that Iran is clamping down on sites in the build-up to the 33rd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution

13 years ago

App Developers Apologise For Sharing Users’ Address Books

iPhone apps Hipster and Path move to fix security flaw, with a summit planned to discuss a 'privacy pledge'

13 years ago

IBM Launches Free Online Security Training Tools

IBM releases downloadable training kits designed to help students, parents and teachers improve their Internet security

13 years ago

Mozilla Asked To Revoke Trustwave Certificates For Allowing SSL Eavesdropping

Although Trustwave revoked a certificate allowing a company to eavesdrop on users, Mozilla's community wants the CA removed as a…

13 years ago

UK Police Launch Regional Cybercrime Hubs

The Association of Chief Police Officers unveil three cybercrime units in Yorkshire and the Humber, the north-west and east Midlands

13 years ago

Turing Pardon Rejected As Bletchley Park Turns To Finding Colossus Sponsors

Alan Turing's pardon has been rejected by the government. Bletchley Park seeks sponsors for a virtual rebuild of the historic…

13 years ago

Adobe Offers Flash Sandbox Protection For Firefox

Adobe has released a beta Firefox plugin of Flash Player to protect users from malicious Flash code

13 years ago

Opposition To ACTA Grows As UK Braces For Protests

Two European countries have frozen work on ratification, and a day of protests is planned for 11 February

13 years ago

Brazil Sues Twitter Over Speed Trap Tweets

Brazilian government demands Twitter block accounts which warn users about traffic checkpoints and speed traps

13 years ago

Anonymous Hackers Claim To Release Symantec Source Code

'Anonymous' hackers release source code despite Symantec offering $50,000 to prevent the leak

13 years ago

TalkTalk Makes New Customers View Parental Controls

TalkTalk says new customers will have to make an active choice whether or not to filter a number of content…

13 years ago

Motorola Admits Selling Xoom Tablets With User Data

Motorola has admitted a data breach incident after it accidentally resold 100 Xoom tablets containing user data

13 years ago

Facebook And Google Remove ‘Offensive’ Material From Indian Sites

Indian court orders 21 major internet firms to prevent 'anti-religious' or 'anti-social' content from appearing on their sites

13 years ago

The Dangerous World Of Bring Your Own Devastation (BYOD)

A Bring Your Own Device policy has many attractive attributes but the security risks can be enormous and, as yet,…

13 years ago

Public And Private Sectors To Share More Customer Data In Fraud Clampdown

The government is expected to announce plans for more efficient data sharing to prevent £21 billion fraud each year

13 years ago

Anonymous Targets Brazilian Banks In Fight Against ‘Inequality’

Some of Brazil's biggest banks have been hit by DDoS Attacks, although customer accounts are believed to be unaffected

13 years ago

BitTorrent Site BTjunkie Closes In Megaupload Aftermath

BTjunkie, one of the world's most popular BitTorrent sites, has voluntarily shut down following recent anti-piracy moves

13 years ago

Anonymous Posts Security Call Between FBI And UK e-Crimes Unit

A routine update call on hacking arrests between US and UK police officials was secretly recorded by the hacking group…

13 years ago

Adobe Urges Security Researchers To Focus On Defence

Researchers are spending too much effort finding bugs and not enough on making exploits difficult to create, according to Adobe

13 years ago

Researchers Voice SCADA Concerns

Security experts have painted an alarming picture of the state of security for industrial control systems

13 years ago

FBI To Shut Down DNSChanger Botnet Servers

The FBI is preparing to shut down servers for the DNSChanger botnet, which will leave thousands of infected computers unable…

13 years ago

Apple Releases Large Security Patch For OS X

Apple has shipped a hefty security patch update that will fix 52 bugs and vulnerabilties in OS X Lion

13 years ago

Oracle Halts Denial Of Service Threat With Patches

Oracle has issued patches to close down a vulnerability that could cause a denial of service in some products

13 years ago

Google Privacy Policy To Be Investigated By EU Regulators

Turns out making things simpler is not that simple

13 years ago