
Anonymous Launches Fresh Attack On Vatican

Holy See website taken down as Anonymous publishes details of Vatican Radio journalists

13 years ago

Reporters Without Borders Names The Enemies Of The Internet

The RWB looks back on a year of Internet activism and attempts to stop it

13 years ago

Twitter Used By Malware Developers, Symantec Warns

Symantec has warned that Twitter is being increasingly used to dupe users into clicking on malware

13 years ago

Microsoft Offers Refund For Azure’s Leap Year Outage

Microsoft provides detail of the Leap Day Azure cloud outage and offered a 33 percent rebate to all customers

13 years ago

Porn Site Hit By Hardcore Hack

Hacker group The Consortium claims responsibility, but promises not to use information for personal gain

13 years ago

A Word With The Student Cyber Security Star

We talk with newly-crowned Cyber Security Champion, Jonathan Millican, about his victory and his plans for the future.

13 years ago

ICO To Follow EU On Potential Google Privacy Punishment

The ICO is being sheep to the EU's shepherd over Google's controversial privacy policy.

13 years ago

Hacker Pleads Guilty To Abortion Website Attack

A man who defaced an abortion services company's website with the Anonymous logo has been caught

13 years ago

NATO Admiral Hit By ‘Chinese’ Facebook Attack

Information about friends, family and colleagues of NATO's most senior admniral were harvested by social engineering attack

13 years ago

ICO Raps Scottish Charity For USB Data Breach

A Scottish charity is told off after one of its workers is robbed of two unencrypted USB sticks.

13 years ago

Kelihos Botnet Back From The Grave

A new version of the Kelihos botnet is gaining momentum despite Microsoft's efforts to uproot it last year

13 years ago

Antisec Attacks Symantec, Police Supplier

Fresh attacks by the Antisec hacking group appear to be in retaliation for recent LulzSec arrests

13 years ago

Small To Medium Businesses Carry Higher Risk Of Data Breaches

A new report from Ponemon has said that there is a higher risk of data breaches among small businesses

13 years ago

MPAA Targets Hotfile In Latest Copyright Infringement Battle

Another cyber-locker faces the guillotine after film studios file for a summary judgement against Hotfile

13 years ago

Police Arrest Man Accused Of Hacking Abortion Website

Man believed to have links with Anonymous is arrested by Met Police's e-Crime unit after BPAS is hacked

13 years ago

Sandbox Protection From Malware-As-A-Service And Zeus Variants Will Trend In 2012

A Verisign report on 2012 security threats picks MaaS and open-source Zeus kit issues as sandbox candidates

13 years ago

ICO Warns European Data Protection Framework Needs More Work

The proposed framework for privacy is unworkable as it stands, a London forum was told

13 years ago

Google Pays Out As Two Zero-Day Exploits Found In Chrome

Google's browser exploited twice in hacking contests at CanSecWest conference

13 years ago

CeBIT 2012: Merkel Warns Google’s Schmidt Over Privacy

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt's techno-utopian ideals were brought down to earth by the German Chancellor at the CeBIT fair says…

13 years ago

Duqu Trojan Found To Include Mystery Programming Language

Kaspersky researchers ask programming community for help decipher the code

13 years ago

Anonymous Targets Vatican Website

The Roman Catholic Church is attacked in retaliation for the "corruption" exhibited during its history

13 years ago

CeBIT 2012: Kaspersky Predicts Flood Of Android Malware

Attackers have switched their attention from Java to Android, says Kaspersky

13 years ago

Rogue Antivirus Campaign Targets WordPress

Bloggers hve been hit by an attack on Wordpress that tricks users into downloading fake AV software

13 years ago

Trustwave Expands Product Portfolio With M86 Security Takeover

Trustwave will bolster web security offering to enter multi-billion pound market

13 years ago

CeBIT 2012: IBM Announces Cloud-Based Desktop Streaming

With a USB stick and a cloud service, IBM is offering a secure enterprise desktop

13 years ago

Anonymous Hits Back Over LulzSec Arrests

Hacktivists take down Panda Security websites, accusing the company of spying for the law enforcement agencies

13 years ago

Toshiba’s Secure, Energy-Efficient Laptops Tap IBM Software

At the IBM Pulse 2012 conference, Toshiba announced Tivoli endpoint management is embedded in its latest business PCs

13 years ago

Leaky Radio Signals Pose Smartphone Security Risk

Smartphones and gadgets leak signals from their electronics, potentially revealing encryption keys

13 years ago

LulzSec Members Arrested With Help From Group’s Leader

FBI has supposedly captured senior members of LulzSec in the UK, Chicago and Ireland

13 years ago

BT And TalkTalk Appeal Against Digital Economy Act Fails

Major UK ISPs lose challenge against controversial anti-piracy law

13 years ago