
Who’s Hacking Who In Cyber Wars Is Not The Real Concern

China gets the blame for being the cyber-warmongering nation but everybody's at it and its industry that takes the arrows…

12 years ago

Chinese Authorities Close 16 Websites After Coup Rumours

Comment function shut down on two microblogging platforms following the fall of a political leader

12 years ago

Police Looking Into Allegations Phorm Wined and Dined Officer

TechWeekEurope learns the police are investigating claims one of its officers was taken to lunch by Phorm in 2010

12 years ago

LulzSec Suspect Re-Arrested After Breaking Bail Terms

Ryan Cleary is back in prison after sending messages to FBI double-agent Hector Xavier Monsegur

12 years ago

Pastebin To Up Content Policing With Fresh Staff

Site owner says he will hire new staff to help moderate pastes that include personal and sensitive content

12 years ago

Global Payments: Breach Hit Less Than 1.5m Credit Cards

After warnings from Visa and MasterCard, payment processor Global Payments says less than 1.5 million credit cards were affected

12 years ago

Apple Pulls ‘Stalker App’ From App Store

Girls Around Me allowed users to track women on location-based services

12 years ago

Government Internet Surveillance Measures Slammed

Government plans to monitor people's web and email use are heavily criticised.

12 years ago

Yahoo Will Implement ‘Do Not Track’ Feature In Summer

Joining the likes of Google and Microsoft, Yahoo will is instituting consumer privacy technology on its websites

12 years ago

Don’t Let The Right To Be Forgotten Be Forgotten

We should look at ways to forge opportunities from the right to be forgotten, says Tom Brewster.

12 years ago

MasterCard And Visa Warn Banks Of Credit Card Data Breach

Sources say that more than 10 million credit card numbers may be compromised

12 years ago

NewsCorp Denies Hacking ONdigital Smartcards

Rupert Murdoch’s company says NDS was fighting piracy, not facilitating it

12 years ago

iTunes, Amazon Fraud Gang Members Jailed

Apple and Amazon lose £1 million, but the crooks are caught and jailed

12 years ago

Making Android Malware in a Limo

Websense invites us into its lab in a limo to show us how quick it can make Android malware whilst…

12 years ago

UK Loves The Internet, Says Ofcom

The British feel safer online, but don’t protect private information, says research by Ofcom

12 years ago

Execs Use Public Cloud To Flout IT Policy

Execs want the cloud to get round the IT department - even though they know it's wrong

12 years ago

Rapidshare Is Legal But Must Check Incoming Links

German court declares Rapidshare legal but says it must monitor incoming links to copyright infringing files

12 years ago

Researchers Warn of Mac OS X Targeted Attacks

Mac-targetted Trojan hits pro-Tibetan campaigners

12 years ago

ZTE Cuts Business In Iran After Spy Kit Embarassment

ZTE partners want to know if the company shipped their gear to the Iran

12 years ago

Swedish App Cracks iPhone Passcode In Minutes

A new app is able to crack the password protection of Apple iPhones and Android devices within minutes

13 years ago

Six Anonymous Suspects Arrested In Dominican Republic

Four alleged Anonymous members are sent to prison with no charges filed

13 years ago

Kelihos II Crippled by Kaspersky and Co

The crooks running the second version of the Kelihos botnet abandon ship after their operation is sinkholed

13 years ago

Vulnerabilities Uncovered in Google, Facebook Single Sign-On

Research from Microsoft and Indiana Universtiy Bloomington finds a range of ways to hijack the single sign-on systems used across…

13 years ago

Draft EU Law Proposes 2 Year Minimum Sentence for Hackers

The changes could see tougher laws introduced in the UK and across the EU

13 years ago

Oxford Uni Opens Cyber Security Centre

Several Oxford departments will collaborate on anticipating and mitigating cyber-attacks on individuals, organisations and governments

13 years ago

ICO Sony Data Breach Decision Coming in Six Weeks

The deputy Informatino Commissioner reveals a decision on last year's Sony breach is imminent

13 years ago

AVG Offers Do-Not-Track Feature And Security BootCamp

AVG is offering a do-not-track feature to prevent ad networks tracking users, and has launched an online security BootCamp

13 years ago

LulzSec Claims Hack Of Military Dating Website

LulzSec has bounced back from the recent arrests and hacked a dating website for single people in the military

13 years ago

O2 Must Hand Over Details Of Alleged Porn Users

O2 Broadband must give details of over 9,000 alleged filesharers to pornographer Ben Dover - but it doesn't mean they…

13 years ago

News Corporation ‘Hacked’ Sky Rival’s Smart Cards

The latest NewsCorp scandal finally involves some real hacking

13 years ago