
Flashback Slashed But Apple Faces Backlash

Apple is slow and misguided, but the number of Flashback bots is coming down, say security experts

12 years ago

Microsoft Tackles IE And Office Flaws

Microsoft has tackled security flaws in MS Office and Internet Explorer in its latest security patch

12 years ago

Ministry of Justice Hack Claimed By Lone ‘Security Consultant’

MoJ hack was not an Anonymous operation, but the work of a lone supporter, the claimed culprit told TechWeekEurope

12 years ago

Want to Avoid GCHQ Snooping? It’s As Simple As Using Skype

The myriad ways people can hide their web activity makes the government's overbearing legislation absurd, says Tom Brewster

12 years ago

Apple Plotting Flashback Botnet Murder

Apple looks to dismantle the C&C infrastructure of Flashback with the help of ISPs

12 years ago

Security Vendors Rush Out Anti Flashback Tools For Macs

Security vendors have rushed out tools to defeat the Flashback virus infecting Macintosh computers

12 years ago

KPMG: 95 Percent of Businesses Not Cookie Law Compliant

The cookie laws are coming, but not many businesses seem to care

12 years ago

DECC Lays Out ‘Tough Guidelines’ On Smart Meters

DECC's smart meter programme expected to deliver £7.2 billion net benefit over 20 years

12 years ago

Russian Law Could Hold ISPs Responsible For Piracy

Changes introduced to the Civil Code will wipe out local file-sharing networks

12 years ago

Five Disturbingly Simple Ways to Steal Facebook Logins

There are some simple ways to hack Facebook accounts, so users should be wary about what they hand over to…

12 years ago

Hack Attacks Warning On Medical Implants

Insulin pumps and pacemakers can be turned off by radio control warn researchers

12 years ago

Anonymous Strikes Downing Street and Ministry of Justice

Anonymous aims its crosshairs at various Government websites, with Number 10 and the MoJ also targeted

12 years ago

Ex-Intel Researcher Faces Jail For Document Theft

A former Intel engineer has pleaded guilty to stealing top-secret documents from Intel as he started a new job at…

12 years ago

Flashback Mac Trojan Gets Second Patch

Apple has issued a second patch for the widespread Flashback Trojan, this time focusing on OS X Lion

12 years ago

Anonymous Claims Home Office Website Takedown

The hacking collective Anonymous claims to have successfully launched a denial-of-service attack on the Home Office's website, and promises more…

12 years ago

Anonymous Defaces Many Chinese Government Websites

Hacktivist group Anonymous said it has defaced and hacked hundreds of Chinese government websites

12 years ago

Sky News Defends Hacking Email of Canoe Fraudster John Darwin

Sky News says it hacked the Darwins' emails as it was "in the public interest"

12 years ago

Eastern European Hackers Blamed For Utah Medicaid Data Breach

Hackers are thought to have taken 24,000 sensitive files from the Utah Health Department

12 years ago

Hacker Claims Hit On China Defence Contractor

Hardcore Charlie claims breach of the computer system at Beijing-based CEIEC

12 years ago

Mac Attack: 600,000 Infected With Flashback

Over half a million Apple Macs are infected with the Flashback Trojan, a Russian security firm has warned

12 years ago

Good Technology: BlackBerry Mobile Fusion Just More Ineffective MDM

RIM's MDM product doesn't do much different to competitors, says Good Technology

12 years ago

Zeus Bots Remain Active Despite Microsoft Takedown

A few Zeus botnets reportedly remain active despite Microsoft closing down the bulk of them last month

12 years ago

Ice IX Malware Variant Steals Facebook Users’ Credit Card Details

Modified malware uses a web injection to imitate Facebook and ask for personal details

12 years ago

TomTom Sat-Navs Lose Their Way

A “leap year bug” blamed on the third-party software caused GPS navigation devices to lose the connection

12 years ago

Nick Clegg Promises Safeguards In Web Surveillance Legislation

Deputy PM says surveillance plans will be open to debate but ensures safeguards over any monitored data

12 years ago

Apple Issues Java Update After Vulnerability Scare

Apple moves to allay fears over a number of Java vulnerabilities

12 years ago

Hacker Jailed After Stealing 8m Customers’ Data

Hacker gets prison time after getting hold of a raft of customer data

12 years ago

ARM Partnership To Set Mobile Security Standard

ARM's joint venture will aim to set single security standard for smartphones, tablets, smart TVs and games consoles

12 years ago

ENISA Urges Security Monitoring For Cloud Contracts

Many public sector IT procurement officers are under-informed on security issues related to the shift to the cloud, but that…

12 years ago

Home Secretary Defends Phone And Internet Surveillance Proposals

Theresa May claims tracking communications will help crack down on paedophiles and terrorists

12 years ago