
Engineers Develop Algorithm To Slow Incoming Cyber Attacks

Engineers claim to have invented an algorithm that will give system administrators vital breathing space during a cyber attack

12 years ago

Flashback Intercepted Google Searches To Make $10k A Day

Flashback made cyber crooks a tonne of money in a Google-tracking, ad-clicking scheme

12 years ago

Malicious Attacks Spike As Flaws Fall In 2011

Vulnerabilities fall but cybercriminals take advantage of simple hacking tools and poor company security practices

12 years ago

Oracle Rushes To Offer Database Vulnerability Workarounds

Four years of hurt for one researcher may finally be at an end as Oracle patches a flaw affecting its…

12 years ago

Pirate Bay UK In Stormy Seas As ISPs Agree To Block

The Pirate Bay is set to be inaccessible for most internet users in the UK within the next month

12 years ago

British Hosting Firm Admits Pakistani Hack

A British web hosting firm has been forced to warn its customers about a hacking intrusion into its billing system

12 years ago

Star Trek Game Developer Faces Wrath Of Khan After Data Breach

Players of Star Trek Online warned after personal details and payment information stolen in December 2010

12 years ago

Can Penetration Testing Take On Social Engineering?

you need to test your organisation's security. But social engineering tests aer an ethical minefield, says Eric Doyle

12 years ago

NHS Hit With Its First Data Breach Fine

An NHS body in Wales gets hit with a £70,000 fine after sensitive data is sent to the wrong patient

12 years ago

Google Staff Knew Of Street View Wi-Fi Snooping Code

A handful of Google workers knew of code, but tech giant says more senior management were unaware

12 years ago

Microsoft Pushes Quick Fix For Hotmail Password Reset Issue

Vulnerability allowed hackers to reset account passwords and lock the owner out using a Firefox add-on

12 years ago

US House Of Representatives Passes CISPA Cybersecurity Bill

Controversial measures will face scrutiny at the US Senate after House votes 248 to 168 in favour

12 years ago

Infosec: BYOD Does Not Save Money, Warns Blackpool Council

Council IT boss declares BYOD more expensive than using inhouse kit

12 years ago

Infosec: Antivirus Vendors Fret Over Microsoft’s Closing Windows

A number of AV vendors tell TechWeekEurope that a more closed approach from Microsoft makes their lives trickier

12 years ago

Host of Credit Card Data Selling Websites Shut Down

SOCA helps stop data-selling fraudsters spread in a major global operation

12 years ago

Kaspersky: Apple Allowing iOS AV Would Open Door to Malware

Eugene Kaspersky admits that if Apple let AV software on iOS, it would also open the door to more malicious…

12 years ago

Infosec: Government ‘Not Clear Enough’ On Cyber War Strategy

Thales' Ross Parsell, who has been advising on the UK's Cyber Security Strategy, says the government must be clearer on…

12 years ago

VMware Source Code Stolen From Chinese Military Contractor

Anonymous hacker takes VMware virtualisation code from Chinese military and posts it online

12 years ago

Facebook Reveals Free Antivirus Marketplace

Facebook has teamed up with security players to offer its users free downloads of anti-malware software and blacklists

12 years ago

Microsoft Warns Of Ongoing Conficker Infections

Microsoft has blamed weak passwords and unpatched systems for the ongoing Conficker infections

12 years ago

Infosec: Information Commissioner Denies Private Sector ‘Pussyfooting’

The commissioner tells TechWeekEurope there is no bias towards the private sector, despite figures that would suggest otherwise

12 years ago

Could PCs-On-A-Stick Clear Up e-Waste?

Homekey's USB computer is supposed to get the older generation online, but Peter Judge thinks it could also reduce e-junk

12 years ago

InfoSec: How Lawyers May Have Ruined The SSL System

Taher Elgamal, one of SSL's creators, says he fought with Netscape lawyers to have browser makers be SSL certification authorities

12 years ago

Infosec: SSL Hall Of Shame Opens For Business

A nonprofit movement wants to expose those sites that have weak HTTPS connections

12 years ago

“Dirty Disk” Vulnerability Threatens The Cloud

Rackspace and VPS.NET have resolved the issue, but shared storage in OnApp-based clouds could leak data

12 years ago

Australian Police Wanted For Mass Software Piracy

New South Wales Police allegedly broke licensing agreement and shared software with other law enforcement agencies

12 years ago

Infosec: One In 10 Second-Hand Hard Drives Keep Personal Data

ICO research confirms the fact that valuable data is still on many hard drives even after they are supposedly wiped

12 years ago

Google Raises Bug Bounty To £12,394 Per Flaw

Google will pay out up to a maximum of $20,000 (£12,394) per flaw as part of its bug bounty raise

12 years ago

Infosec: The UK Drops FUD Bombs On BYOD

The UK is afraid of BYOD, whilst others plough ahead. But it needn't be this way, says Tom Brewster

12 years ago

London Marathon Faces ICO Investigation

Marathon organisers posted runners' details on official website

12 years ago