
Apple Releases Flashback Update For Leopard OS

Older Mac operating systems receive a security update covering the Flashback malware

12 years ago

Wikipedia Warns On Browser Malware

Wikipedia says it doesn't run ads from for-profit firms so those seeing them are likely to be infected with malware

12 years ago

ICO Struggles To Get Website Back Online After ‘Bot Attack’

A suspected DDoS hit is causing the ICO problems

12 years ago

Pirate Pay Earns Microsoft Support

Russian developers of torrent blocker receive £62,000 in funding from Microsoft

12 years ago

Iran Bans Foreign Email For Some Industries

Local banks, insurance companies and telecommunications firms have been ordered to use Iran-based email and web providers

12 years ago

Anonymous Team: Anonymous Is Destroying Itself

The voice of the ATeam says Anonymous is failing in its mission and is tearing itself apart

12 years ago

Smaller Businesses Gain Confidence In Cloud Security

A Microsoft study has found that 35 percent of small and medium-sized businesses have found higher levels of security with…

12 years ago

Report Slams Default Porn Filters On Mobiles

Report uncovers over-blocking of mobile Internet

12 years ago

EC Refers ACTA to European Court Of Justice

ECJ to see if controversial agreement is compatible with European treaties

12 years ago

French Scientists Develop Wi-Fi Blocking Wallpaper

Affordable wallpaper that secures your Wi-Fi could could be in the shops next year

12 years ago

Anonymous Strikes Down Theresa May Website In Extradition Protest

TechWeekEurope learns an Anonymous splinter group took down Theresa May's website, whilst targeting the ICO and the Supreme Court

12 years ago

Defence Secretary Warns Of EMP Weapons Threat

UK infrastructure is vulnerable to bombs creating an electromagnetic surge, says Phillip Hammond

12 years ago

Adobe Backtracks On Patching ‘PR Disaster’

Adobe has promised it will patch a flaw in Creative Studio CS5. Previously said users had to pay for an…

12 years ago

Zscaler: Apple Devices Pose Enterprise Security Threat

The growth of Apple iOS web traffic means attacks on the platform are likely to intensify, the security research firm…

12 years ago

Amnesty International Website Serves Malware For Two Days

Amnesty International website chucks malware onto people's computers for two days

12 years ago

CIOs Are Complacent On Security Risks, Says HP

Under their confident exteriors, CIOs haven't covered the details, says HP

12 years ago

Anti ‘Snooper’s Charter’ Petition Gets Over 155,000 Signatures

People are getting behind petitions against the Communications Data Bill

12 years ago

Dutch Pirate Party Ordered To Stop Hosting Pirate Bay Proxy

Will the UK Pirate Party also be forced to stop helping file-sharers avoid the block on the Pirate Bay?

12 years ago

Was Twitter Hacker Outfoxed By A Honeypot?

Wayne Rash says the evidence doesn't suggest that Anonymous was involved in Twitter 'hack'

12 years ago

Police Arrest Teenager In TeaMp0isoN Raid

Police arrest a 17-year-old whom they claim is the spokesman for the hacking group TeaMp0isoN

12 years ago

Quiz Of The Week: Protecting Privacy

How much of your private information is scattered around the Web?

12 years ago

Super Security Club Proposed With .secure Domains

A group of super safe websites with the gTLD .secure aims to make the Internet a nicer place to play

12 years ago

The DDoS Explosion Has Only Just Begun

There is a surge of DDoS attacks right now, and the evidence is that onslaught is not going away, warns…

12 years ago

Orange Blocks Pirate Bay But No Sign Of Anonymous

Orange blocks access to the Pirate Bay, but Anonymous may have given up attacking operators following criticism

12 years ago

FBI Warns Of Hotel Wi-Fi Malware Spread

An FBI body warns of malware being spread via hotel Wi-Fi connections

12 years ago

Teenagers Arrested After SOCA DDoS

Two teens are arrested following the hit on SOCA and others

12 years ago

Symantec Roadmap Centres On Cloud, Mobile Computing

At its Vision 2012 conference Symantec discussed plans for the cloud and mobile markets, as well as possible acquisitions

12 years ago

Govt ‘Massively Retreating’ From Black Boxes Of Snooper’s Charter

TechWeekEurope understands the Home Office is "retreating massively" from installing black boxes in ISPs to watch over people's communications

12 years ago

BYOD: TechWeekEurope Readers Value Security Over Happiness

TechWeekEurope readers know users want to use their own devices, but they don't want to face the security and administrative…

12 years ago

TalkTalk Gets Hit By Anonymous – Despite Anti-DEA Stance

TalkTalk is disappointed Anonymous initiated a DDoS on its site, after its strong opposition to draconian anti-piracy measures

12 years ago