
Top ICO Official Moved To Google After WiSpy Probe

Stephen McCartney accepted a position at the company investigated by his previous employer

12 years ago

Microsoft Patch Tuesday To Fix Zero-Day XML Flaw

Next week, Microsoft will address an Internet Explorer flaw that has already been actively exploited in the wild

12 years ago

BA Hits Privacy Turbulence Over Passenger Profiling

British Airways is accused of snooping on its passengers by using the Internet to hunt down personal information

12 years ago

Police Chief Backs ‘Snooper’s Charter’ As Government Inquiry Begins

Pre-legislative scrutiny of the Draft Communications Data Bill has begun as Chief Constable of the British Transport Police gives the…

12 years ago

Google Dismisses Android Botnet Reports

Reports of an Android botnet are false, says Google, but is it in denial?

12 years ago

Cummings Touts Military Spec Mobile Security With SecureMobile

Cummings Engineering has launched its mobile security platform, SecureMobile, to help tackle BYOD issues

12 years ago

Malware Hits Apple App Store ‘For First Time Ever’

The Apple App Store gets its first ever rogue application, according to Kaspersky

12 years ago

McAfee Offers DNSChanger Lifeline As Doomsday Approaches

DNSChanger servers are set to be cut off next Monday, as McAfee releases a tool to help those infected stay…

12 years ago

WikiLeaks Releases 2.5m ‘Syrian Emails’

WikiLeaks' Syria emails embarrass governments across the world, Assange claims

12 years ago

Financial Services Firm Slapped With £150,000 Data Breach Fine

Missing tapes at Welcome Financial Services results in a rare ICO fine for a private organisation

12 years ago

DarkMarket Hacker Dr Smurf Pleads Guilty

Dr Smurf was caught out when his customer was an uindercover FBI agent

12 years ago

Usage Will Break The Cloud Storage Taboo

Get over your fears of cloud storage, says Peter Judge. You are using it already.

12 years ago

Software-Authentication Offers Cheaper BYOD Solution

A new study says significant cost-savings can be achieved by switching from hardware to software-based authentication

12 years ago

Source: Huawei UK Gov Business Still Suffering From China Connection

Huawei is struggling to shed the negative perception it has because of ties with China, a source says

12 years ago

Android Rootkit Created (And Spam Botnet Is Reported)

Two worries for Android security: a nasty rootkit is created in the lab, while a botnet may have been spotted

12 years ago

NATO: Cyber Terrorism Not Yet A Real Threat

The threat of cyber terrorism is not something NATO is too worried about just yet

12 years ago

Citadel Crime Malware To Disappear From Open Market

The developers of the Citadel Trojan have said they are planning to restrict its availability, according to RSA

12 years ago

Microsoft Identifies Zeus Botnet Suspects

Microsoft said it has positively identified two members of the Zeus botnet crime ring - but both are already serving…

12 years ago

It’s Time For XSS To Be Exterminated

XSS flaws are the most common vulnerabilities on the Internet. Website owners should kill them, says Tom Brewster

12 years ago

Baltic Men Jailed For £100,000 SpyEye Operation

Three men from Baltic nations have been sent down for a total of nine years

12 years ago

Mac, Windows Malware Hits Uyghur Activists

Researchers have warned that a malware campaign with both Mac OS X and Windows components is singling out human rights…

12 years ago

TeamPoison Teenage Chief Pleads Guilty

TeamPoison's 18-year-old chief pleads guilty, as other members of the hacking group continue to be investigated

12 years ago

‘Horrific’ Twitter Abuse Facing Clampdown

The boss of Twitter has promised to clampdown on the 'horrific' problem of online trolling, bullying and abuse

12 years ago

Julian Assange Set To Ignore Surrender Notice

Assange says it is unlikely he will make his way to the nearest police station following a request from the…

12 years ago

Dealing With The DDoS Dealers

TechWeekEurope investigates the DDoS market, looking at how the dealers make their money, who's buying and what can be done…

12 years ago

Cloud Condenses To Reality

IT people have lower expecations of the cloud. Peter Judge asks why are they more keen than ever to adopt…

12 years ago

Government Opens Consultation Over Default Porn Block

As promised the government has begun consultations over an automatic block for online pornography

12 years ago

State Of The Cloud Survey Shows Surge In Acceptance

Cloud adoption has increased massively, and business feelings about cloud security have reversed, says Cisco

12 years ago

Android Malware Is Getting Stealthy, Researchers Say

Cyber criminals are hoping better malware encryption will help them exploit Google's operating system

12 years ago

RSA SecurID Cracking Claims ‘Are Codswallop’

RSA SecurID tokens have not been cracked open as researchers had suggested, according to EMC's security arm

12 years ago