Exclusive: University forced into security changes after being hit by group whose Anonymous credentials are questionable
Extra security and integration is coming, as well as an app for Google Apps users
Box says it is responding to customer requests not hack attacks
Former Times journalist and Guardian and Telegraph freelancer arrested
The Sony security saga rolls on with another arrest
Despite the lack of any obvious connection between Assange and Cambridge, the UK's top uni gets hacked
Fake blog claims calls on the US, Qatar and Turkey to stop funding Syrian rebels
Labour MP tells TechWeekEurope Anonymous hack of his site was irrational
Aramco now wants to know who was behind the attack
Dropbox finally adds extra protection
A previously unknown Java vulnerability is being exploited to attack firms, and has been included in a popular exploit kit
The 'Crisis' virus demonstrates how criminals are working toward effective attacks on virtualised servers and infrastructure, according to security experts
Chinese and Taiwanese nationals arrested in major crackdown
Feature: The market for fake followers is causing big problems for tweeters, but Twitter isn't doing much to help, TechWeekEurope…
Hacktivists claim a hit on Saudi Aramco
Now it's up to the Joint Committee to carry on scrutinising the controversial draft Snooper's Charter>
Sabu is rewarded for his cooperation with the FBI
A McGaffe prevents businesses and consumers from accessing the Internet
Google is recruiting what it calls a 'red team' to help it avoid any more privacy blunders in the future
US authorities investigate a vulnerability which resembles the one used by Stuxnet
More security budget after a near-miss? Simon Gray tells how his team achieved this difficult task
Adobe goes on another patching bender
Broadcaster just one of many publicly-funded firms keeping schtum about use of RIPA
TechWeekEurope pressure pays off as Tesco says it will fix issues, but given there are so many, which ones will…
Pussy Riot members get backing of angry web denizens
This time, it’s the Dutch electronics giant that pays for bad security practices
The website might be leaky, but Tesco's PR is zipped up tight
Anonymous shows its support for Assange with attacks on DWP and the MoJ