Google has bought VirusTotal, which provides services analysing files and URLs to detect viruses, worms, Trojans and other malware
Bot herder with an alleged history of dirty dealing gets sent down
Aurora attackers continue to cause carnage
Cookie law sends firm cookie as it asks ICO to sue it for breaching the regulation
Sony partner gets hit, giving it another security headache
Theresa May's decision will be made in just over a month at the latest
Wikipedia could encrypt all connections to the UK
War drivers are getting an easy ride thanks to inaction from vendors and users alike, Sophos says
Owner promises to do everything to keep the website running
GCHQ and Symantec put out fresh warnings over cybercrime, but one cynic isn't convinced
If AntiSec is lying, where did the UDID codes come from?
Kris Hagerman steps into Steve Munford's boots at Sophos
AntiSec says it snatched UDIDs from the FBI. But why did the US authorities have them in the first place?
Gottfrid Svartholm is to be deported but he might not be going back to Sweden, where he faces jail
Intelligence agencies the latest target in #OpFreeAssange
The Cloud Security Alliance has formed a working group to investigate big data privacy and security challenges and to form…
Nokia and Toshiba to build photon chips based on Bristol breakthrough
No more plain text passwords? Every little security fix helps!
Oracle can expect calls for yet another update
Facebook has stepped up its measures against fake 'Likes', as it faces investor pressure to prove its worth to advertisers
Gottfrid Svatholm could be sent back to Sweden to serve jail time
FinSpy seller admits a server containing demo software was compromised
Challenge looks to find the corporate mole hunters of the future
Security community breathes a sigh of relief as Oracle reacts to pressure
Hackers continue to back Julian Assange in earnest, claiming they stole data from two UK police forces
Could it be the Shamoon malware causing all the trouble?
Oracle keeps quiet on Java zero-day as hackers find various ways to exploit it
State of UK security shown to be worsening