
Another Java Security Flaw Appears After Oracle Patch

Oracle can expect calls for yet another update

12 years ago

Facebook Targets Fake ‘Likes’

Facebook has stepped up its measures against fake 'Likes', as it faces investor pressure to prove its worth to advertisers

12 years ago

Cambodia Cops Arrest Pirate Bay Co-Founder

Gottfrid Svatholm could be sent back to Sweden to serve jail time

12 years ago

Android Malware Pusher Told To Cough Up £50,000

Android malware dealer could be forced to shell out over £150,000

12 years ago

Government Spyware Seller Gamma International Hacked

FinSpy seller admits a server containing demo software was compromised

12 years ago

Cyber Security Challenge Seeks Insider Espionage Experts

Challenge looks to find the corporate mole hunters of the future

12 years ago

Oracle Rushes Out Java Security Fix For Zero-Day Flaw

Security community breathes a sigh of relief as Oracle reacts to pressure

12 years ago

Police Security Tightened After Assange Supporter ‘Steals’ Data

Hackers continue to back Julian Assange in earnest, claiming they stole data from two UK police forces

12 years ago

Gas Giant RasGas Downed By Virus

Could it be the Shamoon malware causing all the trouble?

12 years ago

Oracle Urged To Patch As Crooks Go Wild For Java Zero-Day Flaw

Oracle keeps quiet on Java zero-day as hackers find various ways to exploit it

12 years ago

UK Data Breach Reports Spike 1000 Percent In Five Years

State of UK security shown to be worsening

12 years ago

Oxford University Beefs Up Security After ‘Anonymous’ Threat

Exclusive: University forced into security changes after being hit by group whose Anonymous credentials are questionable

12 years ago

Google+ Gets Fresh Business Features And Extra App

Extra security and integration is coming, as well as an app for Google Apps users

12 years ago

Box Follows Dropbox, Adds Two-Factor Authentication To Cloud Storage

Box says it is responding to customer requests not hack attacks

12 years ago

Met Arrests Ex-Times Journalist In Computer Hacking Investigation

Former Times journalist and Guardian and Telegraph freelancer arrested

12 years ago

Second Alleged LulzSec Sony Hacker Arrested

The Sony security saga rolls on with another arrest

12 years ago

Cambridge University Emails Hacked By Assange Supporters

Despite the lack of any obvious connection between Assange and Cambridge, the UK's top uni gets hacked

12 years ago

Amnesty International Blog Hacked As Bogus Syria Campaign Pulled

Fake blog claims calls on the US, Qatar and Turkey to stop funding Syrian rebels

12 years ago

MP Peter Hain: Anonymous Hack Was Attack On Freedom Of Speech

Labour MP tells TechWeekEurope Anonymous hack of his site was irrational

12 years ago

Saudi Aramco Network Back Online After Cyber Attack

Aramco now wants to know who was behind the attack

12 years ago

Attackers Target Networks With Zero-Day Java Flaw

A previously unknown Java vulnerability is being exploited to attack firms, and has been included in a popular exploit kit

12 years ago

‘Crisis’ Virus Foreshadows Virtual Infrastructure Threat

The 'Crisis' virus demonstrates how criminals are working toward effective attacks on virtualised servers and infrastructure, according to security experts

12 years ago

Cyber Crime Sting Sees 357 Arrested In Philippines

Chinese and Taiwanese nationals arrested in major crackdown

12 years ago

Twitter’s Fake Identity Crisis

Feature: The market for fake followers is causing big problems for tweeters, but Twitter isn't doing much to help, TechWeekEurope…

12 years ago

Oil Giant Saudi Aramco Struggles To Recover From Hack Attack

Hacktivists claim a hit on Saudi Aramco

12 years ago

Communications Data Bill Public Consultation Closes

Now it's up to the Joint Committee to carry on scrutinising the controversial draft Snooper's Charter>

12 years ago

Former LulzSec Leader Gets Six Months Of Freedom

Sabu is rewarded for his cooperation with the FBI

12 years ago

McAfee Update Sends PCs Cuckoo

A McGaffe prevents businesses and consumers from accessing the Internet

12 years ago

Google Privacy ‘Red Team’ Formed To Avoid Future Gaffes

Google is recruiting what it calls a 'red team' to help it avoid any more privacy blunders in the future

12 years ago