PhonePayPlus warns parents and children of dangers of malware and in-app purchases
Members of the House might have downloaded Captain America, episodes of Glee
Plans to get medical data online concern activists already worried about NHS' data selling and poor security history
UAE authorities are behind the spyware campaign against activists, alleges Bahrain Watch
White House should now issue a response on the Aaron Swartz case
A court filing says federal agents didn’t trick Kim Dotcom
Campaign starts falling apart day after Kaspersky goes public with its findings
Waledac makes a comeback by piggybacking on top of a virulent buddy
Lawyer claims prosecutors said Swartz would have been safer in jail
Cyber crime isn't like ordinary crime says Seth Berman of Stroz Friedberg. Think before you report it
Microsoft moves after various websites serve up exploits for an unpatched flaw in the browser
Links to Russian-speaking nations and incredibly detailed, targeted attacks uncovered by researchers
Men who stole Jackson music avoid jail time
Java palaver as Oracle fails to satisfy security circles
Commissioner says we should not expect miracles from the new facility
Hacktivist groups wants its attacks to be legal
The flaw reported yesterday has already escalated and hit mass distribution
The patch that didn't patch up much
Nokia says it does decrypt some customer information over HTTPS traffic, but isn't spying on people
Intelligence analyst Bradley Manning was not abused enough to have his case thrown out, says judge
US and Iran cyber tussles continuing, according to a report
Rails flaw could be a big issue for thousands of sites, security researchers warn
Europol hopes to gather intelligence and skills for the benefit of all member states
We rely on heavily on badly-protected technology, say MPs
The National Security Agency (NSA) has refused to clarify whether its new program will monitor private networks
Fortinet has released a new security blade aimed at large data centres and managed security service providers
Xiang Li sold software that retails for thousands of dollars for as little as $20