
Online Attacker Attempts First US e-Voting Hack

The first known attempted hack of a US election occurred in the 2012 primary in Miami-Dade County, Florida, last year,…

12 years ago

‘Chameleon’ Botnet Pilfers Millions From Advertisers

Brit researchers claim Chameleon has made its owners at least $6.2bn

12 years ago

South Korea Blames Malware For Bank And TV Network Failures

Was this a cyber-attack from North Korea?

12 years ago

BlackBerry 10 Yet To Receive Approval For UK Government Use

BlackBerry says BlackBerry 10 has not been 'rejected' - it just hasn't been approved yet

12 years ago

NATO Cyber War Manual Says Hackers Are Targets

Online Geneva Conventions proposed for cyber war

12 years ago

Google Pays $40,000 For Partial Chrome OS Hack

Google is to pay security researcher 'Pinkie Pie' some £26,600 for a partial exploit of Chrome OS at the Pwnium…

12 years ago

Ramnit Botnet Boosts Management Features

The Ramnit botnet has been retrofitted to focus on better management of infected computers and more effective theft of financial…

12 years ago

iOS 6.1.3 Fixes Lock Screen Security Flaw

Apple begins rolling out iOS 6.1.3 to users, more than a month after vulnerability first discovered

12 years ago

The Epidemiology Of Malware

A nineteenth century doctor can tell you how to stop malware, says Dominic Storey

12 years ago

Will Companies Stop Paying For Security?

Will the cloud and consumer devices overturn the security market? We ask Christian Fredrikson

12 years ago

Angel Activist Or Demon Hacker? The Madness Of Weev

AT&T "hacker" Weev hates Government, but told TechWeekEurope of his Mormonism - and his plans to run for Congress

12 years ago

US Court Says FBI Access To Private Data Unconstitutional

In a landmark case, court says National Security Letters should be banned

12 years ago

Security Journalists Struck By Cyber Criminals

Researcher hit by hoax that brought a SWAT team to his door

12 years ago

US Military: Cyber-Attacks Top List Of Threats

US military leaders have warned that online threats have now eclipsed the threat of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction…

12 years ago

Study: Attackers Focusing On Browser Flaws

Cyber-attackers are shifting away from Microsoft products and increasingly focusing on finding flaws in other vendors' applications, including Chrome, Firefox…

12 years ago

BIS Loses 83 Government BlackBerrys And 17 Laptops In 3 Years

FOI request reveals Department for Business, Innovation and Skills loses 100 government devices

12 years ago

North Korea: US Is Hacking Us

Americans accused of working with South Korea to hit North's Internet

12 years ago

China Hackers Keenest On Industrial System Attacks – Trend Micro

China is the source of most attacks on Trend's fake industrial systems

12 years ago

UK Government Forges Anti-Cyber Crime Partnership

James Brokenshire to chair a meeting of minds on tackling cyber crime next week

12 years ago

Reuters Social Media Editor Charged With Helping Anonymous Hackers

Los Angeles Times page allegedly defaced with the assistance of Reuters deputy social media editor

12 years ago

BlackBerry Secure Work Space For iOS And Android To Separate Data

Update to BES10 to separate work and personal data on iOS and Android

12 years ago

Bitcoin Exchange Rate Crash Caused By “Mining” Software

Differences between database library modules from Oracle and Google temporarily sent Bitcoin market into chaos

12 years ago

Google Offers Security Advice For Hacking Victims

Website owners that have been hacked can now draw on free help and advice from Google

12 years ago

Visa Sued For Genesco Data Breach Fine

Visa is being sued over the financial fines it issued after a security breach at Genesco

12 years ago

Cisco Integrated Router Tackles BYOD Trend

Cisco is offering a new router designed to deal with the mobile challenges from the BYOD trend

12 years ago

Wiki Weapon Spawns Copyright-Free 3D Printer Blueprint Search Engine

Defense Distributed wants to destroy copyright, and dreams of a revolution

12 years ago

HMRC Under Pressure As British Surveillance Software Used In Ethiopia And Vietnam

Government pressured to reveal what steps it has taken to stop Gamma selling its FinFisher kit to repressive regimes

12 years ago

Fresh DDoS Attacks Batter US Banks

Major US banks are once again hit by DDoS attacks, with speculation increasing about their origins

12 years ago

Andromeda Botnet Returns With Souped-Up Stealth Skills

Malware drops in a modular fashion making it harder for security products to pick it up

12 years ago

Bromium Proposes Virtualising Every Task To Solve Broken Endpoint Security

Xen creator Ian Pratt gives every task its own virtual machine!

12 years ago