IWF gets its a massive boost in its fight against nasty content on the Web from Google
Google says we can save energy by using its servers instead of our own. After PRISM, Peter Judge wants to…
Cleary unlikely to serve full 32 months, despite convictions on hack attacks and indecent images of children
Microsoft fixes critical flaws in IE, but doesn't patch another revealed by Google researcher Tavis Ormandy
Facebook, Google and others urge the US government to be more transparent on what data it asks for
Botnets are adopting the use of peer-to-peer communications to hamper takedown efforts by the industry
Security vendors are to benefit from the big growth in the security technology market going forward
Researchers fuming after Microsoft botnet takedown ruins their own anti-cyber crime operations
Hague accused of failing to come clean on vital questions surrounding the US operation
Another slow response from Apple's security team?
The majority of businesses have had a mobile security incident in the past year, but organisations are still failing to…
The Google technology would rely on users' unique facial 'landmarks' to unlock a mobile device
Mobile operators don't know enough about threats facing their network and they aren't being proactive enough, says Arbor Networks' Tom…
Discussions between President Obama and President Xi Jinping bring nothing concrete
Israel's prime minister warns critical infrastructure is being bombarded by attacks from Iran and its allies
You can't stop the PRISM snooping scheme, says Wayne Rash. And it could be applied for more than just hunting…
The government is to convene a summit with leading Internet companies, including search engines and ISPs, on how the industry…
Commissioners Viviane Reding and Cecilia Malmström express their concern about US mass surveillance
Cabinet Office and the Cyber Security Challenge want to get kids interested in the industry
Gottfrid Svartholm Warg is accused of yet another cybercrime, this time in Denmark
Netcraft says SSL certificates offer very limited protection from phishing
Parallels says customers should upgrade their Plesk, but experts worry many won't
Banking data stolen after laptop theft at local authority
The US is happily spying on foreign citizens, accessing servers at Facebook, Google, Microsoft and others to get hold of…
Google tries to patent facial expression logins, but experts don't think it's worth the bother
Carder website mattfeuter.ru is taken offline and 11 arrests made
Botnet takes a kicking but some think it will amount to just a chink in the fortress that is Citadel
US spy agency, the NSA, is conducting mass surveillance of American citizens' telephone communications thanks to a secret court order
Maria Miller asks Google, Facebook and BT to meet on blocking illegal content... something they already do