
MobileIron Wants To Lock Down Work Data On Your Personal Cloud

Firm's shadow IT buster 'Content Security Service' will aim to secure work content even with BYOD workers

10 years ago

Insecure Browsers Causing Spike In Malware Damage

The cost to respond to and remediate one security breach resulting from failed malware detection technology is approximately $62,000 per…

10 years ago

US Military Recruits Gamers To Fly Killer Drones

Former gamers speak of carrying out thousands of killings through the CIA's Predator drone programme

10 years ago

User Data Compromised In Gamer Social Network Hack

User Data Compromised In Raptr Gamer Social Network Hack

10 years ago

Third Time Unlucky: Adobe Forced To Release Hatrick Of Unscheduled Security Patches

Adobe's latest flaw has allowed hackers to take control of thousands of users' computers

10 years ago

Google To Pay Up-Front For Security Research

Google is supplementing its existing bug bounty programmes with a scheme that will pay top researchers to investigate key services

10 years ago

Couples Beware – Could Your Sex Toys Be Spying On You?

Talk about a ruined Valentines Day - hacked sex toys can be accessed to post images and even video

10 years ago

Pirate Bay Website Reemerges After Shutdown

The Swedish Pirate Bay website returns after it was taken offline during a police raid

10 years ago

Governments Have No Idea How To Stop Cyberterrorists – Time To Call In John McClane, Says Eugene Kaspersky

Seen Die Hard 4.0? That’s what’s coming soon if you don’t shape up, Kaspersky warns world leaders

10 years ago

Windows 10 NOT FREE To Enterprises, Microsoft Confirms

Microsoft confirms free Windows 10 upgrade is not available for large businesses, and it will be updated differently

10 years ago

BMW Patches Car Hack Vulnerability

German carmaker patches flaw that could allow hackers to gain access to BMW, Mini, and Rolls Royce vehicles

10 years ago

The Critic’s View: Data Privacy Day / Data Protection Day

Our round-up of the expert views concerning keeping your data safe online

10 years ago

DDoS Attack Volume On The Rise

Arbor's 10th Annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report points to the growing attack bandwidth and application layer attacks

10 years ago

Russian Dating Website Buys Back 20 million Stolen Email Addresses

Details remain sketchy - has the hacker turned security consultant?

10 years ago

Government Funding To Turn Gloucestershire Nuclear Lab Into Green Tech Research Park

Funding to transform former Nuclear Lab into centre for renewable energy and cyber security skills

10 years ago

CyLon To Help Startups Develop UK’s Cyber Defences

The scheme aims to develop the UK into Europe's hub for cyber security startups

10 years ago

LocalBitcoins Hack Proves Bitcoin Wallets Need Two-Factor Authentication

A new type of malware has been blamed for the bitcoin theft

10 years ago

Businesses Lose $215m to BEC Email Scam – So How Do You Protect Yourself?

The FBI has warned businesses that work with foreign suppliers to be vigilant against email wire transfer scams.

10 years ago

Amazon Targets Businesses With WorkMail Cloud Service

Amazon challenges Microsoft and Google with the launch of an email service aimed at businesses

10 years ago

China Demands Technology Firms Hand Over Source Code

Protectionism or national security? China demands foreign firms hand over source code for inspection

10 years ago

7 Ways To Increase Your Privacy By Customising Firefox

Johnathan Nightingale, VP Firefox at Mozilla, explains how you can safeguard your privacy on computers and mobile devices

10 years ago

How To Overcome The ‘Tech Deficit’ And Meet Your Data Centre Security Needs

Colt's John Hayday discusses security needs in today's data centre

10 years ago

US Military Develops Invisible Biometric ‘Passwords’

The end of traditional biometric and password security? US Military signs deal for new ID verification system

10 years ago

Severe Linux GHOST Flaw Spooks Out Computer Users

Critical vulnerability found in Linux systems gives attackers control without system credentials

10 years ago

Could Your Apps Be Putting Your Smartphone At Risk?

Smartphone users need to be aware of what data their mobile apps have access to, say Silent Circle and Blackphone

10 years ago

Taylor Swift’s Twitter, Instagram Accounts Hacked

"Hackers gonna hack hack hack hack hack", it seems, as Taylor Swift's Twitter account not able to “shake it off”…

10 years ago

How To Stay Safe Online In 3 Simple Steps

With today being Data Privacy Day, the identity and data protection specialist at digital security firm Gemalto explains how you…

10 years ago

Most Employees “Would Sell Company Passwords For £100”

How much do you trust your employees with the passwords to important documents?

10 years ago

Facebook Denies Hackers Caused Outage

Facebook, Instagram and Tinder were all affected by the outage, which left millions across the world unable to access the…

10 years ago

Kaspersky – Don’t Be Too Worried About The Security Of Mobile Payments…Yet

Kaspersky Labs' David Emm tells TechWeekEurope that the security threat to mobile payments is still in its infancy - but…

10 years ago