
Cyber Security: 4 Key Steps To Resilience

John Green, business and technology development director at IT security firm Accumuli, advises on how to get tough on cyber…

10 years ago

LinkedIn Settles Password Theft Lawsuit

LinkedIn pays nearly £1m to settle legal fight after security breach compromised 6.5 million user passwords

10 years ago

AirWatch 8 Adds TouchID, Chromebook And QNX Support

AirWatch 8 promises to "revolutionise" EMM by simplifying management for admins and end users

10 years ago

FBI Offers Biggest Ever Reward For Admin Of Gameover Zeus Botnet

Russian hacker behind the Gameover Zeus botnet is hit with world's largest ever reward for his arrest

10 years ago

Gemalto Hack Probe Confirms US, UK Spy Link

Gemalto's 'thorough investigation' concludes GCHQ and the NSA was probably behind 'sophisticated intrusion'

10 years ago

HUGE Parking Ticket Data Breach Highlights Business Security Weaknesses

Data of 10,000 drivers leaked online after database security gaff

10 years ago

2014 Was A Record Year For Cyber Attacks

Hackers increasingly went mobile last year, with Point of Sale terminals also key targets, Trend Micro report reveals

10 years ago

Get Real: Are You In Denial About Online Security?

Study by Ping Identity shows half of consumers use the same password across multiple websites

10 years ago

Smartphones Tracked Through Analysing Battery Usage

Researchers were able to determine a user's location based on battery drain over the course of a few minutes

10 years ago

PrivDog Flaw ‘Worse Than Superfish’

Ad-filtering tool introduces a potential phishing flaw that may affect more than 50,000 users

10 years ago

A Third Of Brits ‘Have Lied To Protect Our Online Privacy’

Symantec report finds we trust hospitals and banks with our data, but not retailers or social media sites

10 years ago

Visa Is About To Make Mobile Payments Safer Than Ever

New tokenisation technology could help speed up adoption of Apple Pay in Europe

10 years ago

How To Explain Phishing To A Five-Year-Old

The definitive definition of phishing (not fishing) from the experts for the kids (and adults, too)

10 years ago

Most Security Breaches ‘From Well-Known Sources’, Says HP

44 percent of breaches in 2014 were caused by known vulnerabilities between two and four years old, report finds

10 years ago

Has Avast Just Launched The World’s First Free Business-Grade IT Security?

Avast for Business is said to bring straightforward, cross-platform and cloud-managed security to the market

10 years ago

UK Businesses ‘Sluggish’ To Embrace Cloud

KPMG has found that UK businesses are still reluctant to sign up for cloud services, preferring to stick with familiar…

10 years ago

5 steps to optimise PCI DSS compliance across the supply chain

Kurt Mueffelmann, CEO at IT security firm Cryptzone, explains how you can optimise Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard compliance…

10 years ago

US Government Warns Users To Remove Lenovo’s Superfish

The Superfish adware bundled with some Lenovo laptops creates a security risk, warns the US Department of Homeland Security

10 years ago

10 Steps To Mitigate A DDoS Attack In Real Time

Gary Newe, systems engineer, F5 Networks, recommends taking 10 decisive actions when you come under DDoS attack

10 years ago

Superfish Adware: Should We Send Lenovo To The Naughty Step?

What can Lenovo's customers do about its sneaky adware, and how will Superfish impact the company's brand reputation?

10 years ago

The Critics’ View: Biometric Security For Mobile Banking

TechWeekEurope gets the expert’s views on RBS and NatWest’s plans for fingerprint scanning logins

10 years ago

£226m Mt Gox Bitcoin Theft ‘An Inside Job’

Report of Mt Gox bitcoin exchange collapse fuels speculation of inside job after bot discovery

10 years ago

NSA Analysis Of Sony Hack Identifies North Korea

The NSA backs FBI conclusion that North Korea was responsible for the damaging hack of Sony Pictures

10 years ago

Google: FBI Wants To Hack Every Device On The Planet

Google warns US government it will fight proposals to allow “remote access” to every computer and device

10 years ago

Microsoft Teases Mobile-Centric Office 365 Encryption Options

Company is readying more ways of securing data while its productivity software platform makes itself at home on smartphones and…

10 years ago

GCHQ And NSA ‘Hacked’ SIM Card Firm To Spy On Calls And Texts

GCHQ and NSA accused of hacking Gemalto in documents allegedly leaked by Edward Snowden

10 years ago

Which Industry Is Most Likely To Suffer Cyber Attacks?

Low predictability of cyber-attacks increases risk for all 11 industries surveyed in new study

10 years ago

HTTP/2 Will Make The Web ‘Faster And Safer’

A working group finalises the HTTP/2 standard which aims to make web connections quicker and more secure

10 years ago

Darkleaks Offers Whistleblowers Black Market Trades For Bitcoins

Shady website offers an anonymous marketplace for potential whistleblowers ...and blackmailers

10 years ago

Lenovo Laptops Shipped With Secret Adware

Lenovo's pre-installed Superfish poses security threat if compromised

10 years ago