
Top European Court Mulls Over Facebook Data Sharing Case

June will see the decision by the top European court on the data sharing agreement between the US and Europe

10 years ago

Record-Breaking: How Comic Relief Handles Your Donations

Meet the technology companies behind this year’s fundraising efforts

10 years ago

Avast: Here’s Why Smartphone Security Really Matters

Around 50 million Android users were hit by some form of security issue last year, firm tells TechWeekEurope

10 years ago

Amazon’s Twitch Hit By Password Hack

The site has reset passwords after a hack compromised an undisclosed number of users

10 years ago

Illegal Marketplace ‘Evolution’ Disappears With £8m In Bitcoins

Evolution, one of the largest 'dark web' sites of its kind, has gone offline in what appears to be a…

10 years ago

Google Warns Of Unauthorised Security Certificates In Latest Breach

False certificates were issued by a Cairo-based company in the latest incident affecting SSL

10 years ago

PoSeidon Malware Attacks Credit Card Transactions

PoS terminals in high-street stores are being put at risk, Cisco researchers find

10 years ago

Cisco IP Phones Vulnerable To Eavesdropping Attack

An unpatched firmware flaw means attackers can listen to users' conversations from anywhere in the world

10 years ago

Only Two Percent Of UK Big Businesses Have Insurance Against Cyber-Attacks

Government report says the UK should aim to be a global centre for cyber security insurance

10 years ago

White House Hires Ex-Facebook Director For Tech Modernisation

Former engineering boss at Facebook hired as the first ever director of IT at the White House

10 years ago

NJRat Trojan Returns To Life, Warns PhishMe

A remote access trojan, last seen a year ago, is making a reappearance warns security researcher

10 years ago

Google’s Schmidt Predicts US Government Defeat Over Encryption

The tech industry will win fight against governments over the use of encryption on devices, says Eric Schmidt

10 years ago

Target To Settle Epic Data Breach Lawsuit With $10m Payoff

The stark reality of the financial cost of a data breach is revealed, as Target aims to settle lawsuit for…

10 years ago

GCHQ Licensed To Hack Phones And Computers

Licensed to spy. GCHQ permitted to hack into computers and phones, even with no national security concerns

10 years ago

North Korea Web Outage Was Revenge For Sony Hack

North Korea's December Internet blackout was in retaliation for the Sony hack, admits US cybersecurity official

10 years ago

Anonymous Lists Thousands Of ‘ISIS Twitter Accounts’

The group has released its largest-yet list of social media accounts allegedly used by ISIS

10 years ago

Small Businesses Need To Face Up To Big Security Problems

Terry Greer-King, director of cyber security at Cisco UK&I, tells TechWeekEurope why security short-sightedness could spell disaster for SMBs

10 years ago

Key Repetition Makes FREAK Attacks Easier

British researchers have found that repetition of encryption keys could make FREAK attacks cheaper and more attractive

10 years ago

Microsoft Warns Of Possible Attacks Using False SSL Certificate

A counterfeit certificate issued for '' could be used in attacks against any version of Windows

10 years ago

BlackBerry Announces Tablet With Chip-Based Security

The SecuTablet, a collaboration with IBM and Samsung, is aimed at enterprise and government users

10 years ago

Silk Road Moderator Nash Pleads Guilty, Faces Life In Prison

Australian Peter Nash admitted to helping operate the Silk Road online drugs marketplace

10 years ago

Panda Antivirus Bricks PCs After Faulty Update

Face-palm time. Panda Antivirus accidentally labels itself malware and damages an undisclosed number of PCs

10 years ago

EU To Model New Security Force On British Counter-Terrorism Unit

Plans for a Europe-wide counter-terrorism unit are being considered to tackle Jihad John and his pals

10 years ago

‘Nearly Half’ Of Public Sectors Bodies Have Suffered A Data Breach

Staff often just too busy to cope with new government guidelines, Iron Mountain report claims

10 years ago

Hacker Releases More South Korean Nuclear Data

Nuclear operator insists leaked secrets, including blueprints of reactor, are not 'classified material'

10 years ago

BT And Darktrace Team Up To Offer Threat Detection To Customers

BT is to use Darktrace to protect its own networks and will offer threat protection to managed service customers

10 years ago

Microsoft Patch Tuesday Resolves FREAK Flaw

No more FREAKY business. Microsoft rushes out fix for legacy encryption flaw in Patch Tuesday update

10 years ago

Two Arrested After ‘Largest Ever’ Data Breach

Three charged in the United States following major data breach, authorities confirm

10 years ago

Dropbox Repairs Android Security Fault

Cloud storage service repairs flaw that could have allowed hackers to capture data via third party apps

10 years ago

Podec Trojan Can Trick CAPTCHA Into Thinking It Is Human

Russian malware is able to bypass CAPTCHA inputs, Kaspersky report claims

10 years ago