
What Can We Learn From The Latest Adobe Security Flaw?

Why does Adobe keep getting targeted by attackers and what can you do to protect yourself?

9 years ago

How To Stop Your Android Devices Getting Infected By Ransomware

Security firm Bitdefender shares its top five tips to protect your devices from the virus

9 years ago

Eugene Kaspersky: Internet Of Things? More Like The Internet Of Threats

Security icon sounds dire warning over the security of the Internet of Things

9 years ago

Samsung PCs ‘Deliberately’ Disable Windows Update

Samsung denies its PCs are blocking patches and updates, exposing customers to cybercrime and malware

9 years ago

Facebook Recruits Yahoo’s Alex Stamos As New Security Chief

Stamos replaces Joe Sullivan, who left to join Uber earlier this year

9 years ago

Has Google Been Eavesdropping On Chrome Users?

Privacy campaigners claim Google secretly installed voice recording service in Chromium browser, an accusation the search giant denies

9 years ago

Certificate Validation Flaw Leaves Instapaper Log-in Details At Risk

Researchers say certification validation vulnerability could allow hackers to steal Android Instapaper log-in details with man in the middle attack

9 years ago

How To Prevent Spear Phishing Attacks With Improved Email Security

OPSWAT's Mike Spykerman talks us through some tips to protect your business from the threat of spear phishing

9 years ago

SEC Investigates Hackers For Insider Trading

Show me the money! US financial regulator hunts hackers who used stolen data for insider trades

9 years ago

How To Explain Spyware To A Five-Year-Old

The definitive definition of spyware from the experts for the kids (and grown ups, too)

9 years ago

Survey: Finance Companies More Wary Of Cyber-Threats

Companies in the financial sector are growing more aware of cyber-security risks, but had little awareness of incoming security laws

9 years ago

Snowden: NSA And GCHQ ‘Targeted’ Security Firms

The US and UK spy agencies used cracking techniques to look for ways around popular antivirus programs, according to leaked…

9 years ago

Hackers Steal Encryption Keys With Unit Hidden In Pita Bread

Israeli-based researchers construct data-stealing unit small enough to hide under a pita

9 years ago

HP Publishes Exploit Code For Unpatched IE Flaw

HP has disclosed the details for a bug it says affects millions of Windows systems, after Microsoft declined to provide…

9 years ago

Linux Foundation Invests $452,000 in Open Source Security Projects

The Linux Foundation's Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII) is funding three projects aimed at helping to improve security for open-source code

9 years ago

Just How Dark Is The ‘Deep Web’?

Trend Micro report uncovers disturbing details about the underbelly of the Internet

9 years ago

IT Life – Flying High

Code 42's Andy Hardy talks planes, clouds and the rise of 'Shadow IT'

9 years ago

US Government Hackers Linked To Anthem Breach

Researchers say the same hackers stole millions of records from both the US federal government and health insurer Anthem

9 years ago

Hack Grounds Warsaw Planes For Five Hours

The IT attack grounded more than 1,000 passengers on Sunday afternoon

9 years ago

Mobile App Flaw Exposes ‘Billions’ Of Records

Heartbleed-like security flaw found in thousands of top Android and iOS apps

9 years ago

Samsung To Upgrade Knox To Mitigate Swiftkey Flaw

Samsung reacts to patch critical vulnerability with a native keyboard app on its smartphone range

9 years ago

EFF: WhatsApp Doesn’t Have Your Back When It Comes To Security

Electric Frontier Foundation’s security ratings criticise messaging app for major security flaws

9 years ago

St Louis Cardinals Hacks Rival Baseball Team

It's just not cricket! FBI probes American baseball team for hacking internal network of rival team

9 years ago

More Than Half Of Passwords ‘Can Be Cracked In 24 Hours’

Trustwave Global Security Report shows shocking state of password security around the world

9 years ago

Apple iOS, OS X Contain Zero-Day Flaws

Tardy response? Apple's security reputation takes another hit as researchers reveal long-standing zero-day flaws

9 years ago

Swiftkey Poses Hack Threat To 600m Samsung Phones

Millions of Samsung smartphones could have preloaded vulnerability that can be exploited by hackers

9 years ago

Stegoloader Malware Uses Malicious Code From Images To Steal Data

Dell SecureWorks describes hard to detect Stegoloader as 'wolf in sheeps clothing'

9 years ago

LastPass Breached, Warns Users To Change Master Password

LastPass is prompting all users to change their passwords after a compromise detected on Friday

9 years ago

Botnet Operators Shifting To The Cloud

Botnet controllers are increasingly taking advantage of the convenience of cloud infrastructure for launching attacks, Level 3 has found

9 years ago

A Quarter Of Brits Would Provide DNA To Boost Bank Security

Telstra study shows security is becoming more important to UK bank customers than interest rates

9 years ago