
‘Thousands’ Of Vodafone Customer Details Stolen In Hack

Customer details such as passwords and phone numbers stolen in second attack on a major UK carrier in two weeks

9 years ago

EU Citizens Still In Danger From Mass Surveillance, Say MEPs

EU Parliament calls for protection of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and clampdown on data transfers to the US

9 years ago

TalkTalk Hackers Stole 1.2m Names, Emails, Phone Numbers

TalkTalk says scale of data theft less than thought, but hackers still get more than 20,000 bank account details in…

9 years ago

Android Malware Poses As Microsoft Word Document

Android users beware! New malware disguises itself as Word document, but steals messages and other data

9 years ago

Police Hit Users Of DroidJack Malware

Authorities raid homes across Europe of users of Android smartphone tracking malware DroidJack

9 years ago

Second Teenager Arrested In Connection With TalkTalk Hack

Police arrest 16-year-old in London on suspicion of offences under the Computer Misuse Act as TalkTalk investigation continues

9 years ago

British Gas Customer Logins Published Online

Customer logins for British Gas customers published online as company reportedly denies system breach

9 years ago

Porn Poses Biggest Threat To Mobile Devices

New study reveals mobile attacks are more vicious than ever, with pornography the leading attack vector

9 years ago

Intel Security Sets Its Sights on Use-Case-Driven Technology

Intel Security, which announced an updated endpoint security product and new active response technology, is redefining its leadership and direction

9 years ago

ICO Reassures Firms After Data ‘Safe Harbour’ Ruling

“Don't panic” ICO tells British firms after data sharing deal with US is torpedoed by top Euro court

9 years ago

Marks & Spencer Website Suspended After Customer Data Breach

Not a hack! “Technical difficulties" blamed for exposing customer details to other website users

9 years ago

Larry Ellison: Modern Security Is Just Not Good Enough

Oracle OpenWorld - Oracle founder says ‘next-generation’ protection is needed to stop ever-growing security threats as he reveals new M7…

9 years ago

Are Banks Failing To Keep Customers Safe Online?

Kaspersky Labs survey finds that a third of banks aren’t providing a secure connection for their customer’s transactions

9 years ago

Fear Of Hacks Crippling Business

IT departments are struggling to get the most out of mobile technology due to fear of data breaches

9 years ago

Hacked CCTV Cameras Used To Launch DDoS

The attack drew on hundreds of compromised hundreds of Internet-connected CCTV cameras accessible using their default passwords

9 years ago

Boy Arrested In Northern Ireland Over TalkTalk Hack

TalkTalk has insisted it had adequate security in place as it downplays the seriousness of the breach

9 years ago

Larry Ellison – Security Is Our Number One Focus

Oracle OpenWorld: Major shift in computing industry is making everyone rethink their needs, Oracle CTO says

9 years ago

Judge Dismisses Wikimedia’s Anti-Surveillance Case Against NSA

Civil liberties organisations argue decision ignores evidence of indiscriminate NSA spying

9 years ago

Barclays ‘Recovering’ From Weekend System Outage

A technical glitch that coincided with planned maintenance left customers unable to access cash

9 years ago

Intel Security To Retire McAfee SaaS Email Services

End of the line for former McAfee email security products as chip giant transitions to newer products

9 years ago

‘Significant’ TalkTalk Data Breach Could Affect Millions Of Customers

TalkTalk data breach is being investigated by police and ICO as company urges customers to be wary of potential identity…

9 years ago

Sony Pays Out Millions In Hack Compensation

Sony agrees £5m settlement with staff after devastating Sony Pictures hack, allegedly by North Korea

9 years ago

The New ‘Triple As’ And How To Be ‘Every-Ready’ For Security Breaches

Ramses Gallego, security strategist and evangelist, Dell Software, explains how companies can use IAM and Network Security tools to increase…

9 years ago

Police Forces ‘Need To Do More’ To Tackle UK Cybercrime

TechUK report calls for technology industry and police to work closer together to tackle cybercrime

9 years ago

10 Ways To Maximise Your security And Compliance Investment

Kevin Foster, testing services manager, MTI Technology, explains how to get the biggest bang for your buck when it comes…

9 years ago

Bitdefender’s Mobile Security Protection Can Snap Thieves In The Act

Security firm also upgrades its mobile security platform to make it easier to access apps on multiple networks

9 years ago

Trend Micro Acquires HP TippingPoint

Trend Micro says the move will combine next-generation IPS with top class breach detection

9 years ago

In-App Ad Blocker Been Choice Returns To App Store

Been Choice is back on the App Store after Apple has an unexplained change of heart

9 years ago

Two-Thirds Of Enterprises Failing To Meet Data Control Best Practices

IDC study reveals many companies ae falling behind at keeping their corporate information protected

9 years ago

UK Workers Fail ‘Cyber IQ’ Test

ESET study reveals British workers are dangerously lacking in cyber awareness

9 years ago