DDoS attack forces website builder Moonfruit to make major infrastructural changes
Cloudflare, Facebook warn browsing in developing countries will be risker when SHA-1 algorithm is retired
Nearly half of companies hit by DDoS attacks believe their competitors are responsible
Charlotte Marshall from Iron Mountain offers some tips on how to protect your business from a data breach
Activist group launches attacks and posts advice on how to target terrorist organisation
New data sharing agreement with United States can be suspended over privacy concerns, warns EU official
Expert warns Internet-connected toys can be hacked into and transformed into spying devices
2015 saw a major fall in malware, Kaspersky Labs reveals, as criminals change their tactics
Microsoft's last security update of the year includes 12 bulletins, eight of them rated as critical
Aer Lingus and Chiltern Railways among firms that put customer details due to unsecure mobile platforms, Wandera study reveals
Freedom of information requests reveals shocking state of cyber security awareness within the NHS
Janet network suffers DDoS attack, days after a similar attack targets the Internet's core DNS servers
Symantec report also finds that Mac OS X threats specifically rose by 15 percent in 2014
Millions of Independent readers at risk of being infected with ransomware
Former IBM software engineer Jiaqiang Xu allegedly stole and leaked IBM proprietary source code
Akamai report identifies UK as leading originator of DDoS attacks
Will it ping Donald Trump? Spellchecker for hate and harassment urged to tackle terrorism on the internet
NEWS ANALYSIS: There are events in today's society that you simply can't control or prevent, no matter how much you…
BCS study finds that many of us are also unhappy with how companies collect data from us
Leading tech firms will be forced to report major cyber attacks under new European cybersecurity laws
Security researchers warn that even the most popular sites are targets for malvertising assaults
Opening up IBM Security QRadar will allow sharing of new apps and knowledge on the latest threats
Crackdown on insecure and unsecured networks follows Paris terrorist attacks last month
ESET says 138,000 phones and laptops are lost in bars each year - 61 percent of which aren't protected
Silicon Valley urged to help authorities tackle militant groups using social networks and tech tools
John Phillips from Zuora tells us why safeguarding the IoT is crucial to unlocking its full potential
Researchers uncover serious ongoing flaws with TalkTalk and warn that customers are still at risk
Rogue advert on Twitter aims to infect and then steal a user’s Facebook credentials, Proofpoint warns
New cloud platform allows real-time data on the latest threats to be uploaded and distributed to Kaspersky products worldwide
LinkedIn users warned to be wary of who they add to their network, after fake profile discovery by Symantec