
Security Firm Finds Zero-Day Flaw By Turning Users Into Honeypots

Kaspersky turned details of a Silverlight flaw into detection rules. When an attacker exploited the vulnerability, it had enough information…

9 years ago

250 Hotels Impacted By 2015 Hyatt Data Breach

Hyatt reveals hotels in the UK affected by malware attack last year, which took place over several months

9 years ago

Gartner: Security And ‘Over Running’ Projects Could Threaten IoT Adoption

Gartner says IoT will be incorporated in half of all new business processes by 2020, but fears still persist

9 years ago

Anonymous DDoS Attack Targets Nissan

Nissan suspends main websites after Anonymous targets Japanese carmaker over hunting of whales and dolphins

9 years ago

Mozilla Discontinues Persona Password Security Service

Two years after giving it up to be a community project, Mozilla is now shutting its Persona Web authentication operations…

9 years ago

Clean Clothes A Data Loss Risk As 22,000 USB Sticks Lost At Dry Cleaners In 2015

More than 22,000 USB sticks and mobile phones forgotten as security precautions get taken to the cleaners

9 years ago

Trend Micro Patches Password-Leaking Software Flaw

Google security researcher reveals vulnerability in Trend Micro security software

9 years ago

Companies Prepared To Pay Up £690,000 Ransom To Avoid Cyberattack

Are you nuts? Nearly a quarter of companies willing to pay ransom to prevent cyber attack, new survey reveals

9 years ago

Police Arrest Member Of Cyber Extortionists DD4BC

Scotland Yard involved in European raids and arrest of key member of DDoS extortionist gang DD4BC

9 years ago

Microsoft Delivers Final Patch Tuesday For Windows 8

Older versions of Internet Explorer and Windows 8 OS receive their last ever Patch Tuesday update

9 years ago

Health And Finance Mobile Apps Riddled With Security Issues

Arxan research finds 90 percent of apps have at least two major security flaws

9 years ago

Smartwatch Motion Tracking Malware Could Steal PIN Codes

Master's thesis research in Denmark has found smartwatch motion sensor data can reveal ATM keystrokes

9 years ago

Dutch Police Crack ‘BlackBerry PGP’ Handsets

Decrypted messages used to prosecute drug runner, according to report

9 years ago

Faithless Fans Hit By Data Breach

Thousands of fans of the band have their personal details sold online following leak

9 years ago

Incognito Bug Reveals All Your Private Browsing Secrets

Unwelcome flaw could display your darkest secrets when you’re least expecting it

9 years ago

ICO Wants Stronger Sentencing After Offender Fined Just £1,000 For Selling 28,000 Records

The case illustrates the need for more sentencing options to deter would-be data thieves, the ICO argues

9 years ago

Hacked Companies ‘Should Go Public’, Says Ex-Minister

Former defence secretary Liam Fox also calls for new government investment in cybersecurity protection

9 years ago

Juniper To Remove Flawed Encryption Code

The Dual-EC-DRBG was shown to have been targeted by the NSA for tapping into encrypted communications

9 years ago

General Motors Wants To Stomp Out Smart Car Bugs

HackerOne program should help reduce the risks of GM autonomous vehicles by allowing hackers to report vulnerabilities

9 years ago

Jeremy Corbyn’s Twitter Account Is ‘Hijacked’

Hackers post series of satirical messages on Jeremy Corbyn's account before control is re-established

9 years ago

US Government, Spooks, Tech Giants Meet For ISIS Showdown

Silicon Valley meets US government and others to discuss ways to combat terrorist use of social media

9 years ago

Clickjacking Campaign Exploits European Cookie Law

Malwarebytes warns of advertising scam tricking users via the European cookie popup notification

9 years ago

WhatsApp Users Hit By Targeted Malware Attacks

Customers warned to beware suspect emails disguised as WhatsApp content

9 years ago

Etihad Airways Considers Legal Action Over Three-Year-Old Data Breach

Details of 7,000 Etihad Airways customers appear to have been leaked by an email marketing agency

9 years ago

Dutch Government Opts Against Encryption Backdoors

For sure, we will not weaken encryption by insisting tech firms share encrypted communications, says Holland

9 years ago

Time Warner Cable Warns 320,000 Users Of Possible Hack

Corporate security under scrutiny again as Time Warner tells customers to change passwords after possible hack

9 years ago

Exploiting Silent Circle’s Secure Blackphone

The highly secure device could have been exploited, were it not for the responsible disclosure by a security researcher

9 years ago

Pop-Under Malvertising Attack Hits Adult And Streaming Sites With Ransomware

Dodgy ads install CryptoWall ransomware on PCs with out of date Flash plug-ins in latest malvertising attack

9 years ago

Linode Resets Passwords After Possible Breach

Hosting firm resets all passwords after user credentials found on an “external server”, following DDoS attack

9 years ago