
Researcher Develops Tool To See If Password Has Been Reused

The tool is intended for defensive purposes, but could also be used to facilitate password attacks

8 years ago

Smartphones At Risk From ‘Dalek’ Voice Attacks

Hidden audio commands can be used to take control of popular voice-activated devices, researchers say

8 years ago

Amazon Denies Server Hack As Kindle User Data Goes Up For Sale

A trove of data on 80,000 users did not come from Amazon's systems, the company said, and may have been…

8 years ago

Android Malware Grabs 10 Million Devices

The malware, thought to originate in China, generates £232,000 per month in counterfeit ad revenues

8 years ago

Researchers Find Infected Pokémon GO App

A malicious version of the popular game is seeking to take over Android handsets

8 years ago

Facebook Messenger Tests End-to-End Encryption

Playing catch up? Facebook tests encrypted "secret conversations" after last month's security scare concerning chats

8 years ago

400,000 D-Link Devices Vulnerable To Zero-Day Flaw

Security researchers warn of a serious stack overflow vulnerability in a number of devices from D-Link

8 years ago

Euro 2016 Doubles Cybersecurity Risks For Football Fans

New report highlights security dangers for businesses during major sporting events like Euro 2016

8 years ago

Avast Buys AVG For £1bn In Bid To Become Czech IoT Security Giant

Avast buys AVG for $1.3bn, giving it access to 400m PCs, smartphones, tablets and connected IoT devices

8 years ago

Apple Mac Malware Gives Backdoor Access And Webcam Control

Malware targets OS X and gives attackers webcam access via Tor and full access of compromised Mac

8 years ago

Darktrace Raises £50m Funding For Cyber Defence Push

Another round of funding for cyber-security firm backed by former Autonomy boss Mike Lynch

8 years ago

Firmware Flaw Affects Lenovo ThinkPads, Other PC Makers’ Hardware

ANALYSIS: New zero-day vulnerability may also affect computers from other makers that used similar Intel UEFI reference code to create…

8 years ago

Sharp Rise In Identity Theft Among Young UK Adults

Media savvy Millennials still falling for same tricks as fraud rockets 52 percent among those under 30

8 years ago

BT And KPMG: Businesses Are Engaged In An ‘Arms Race’ With Cybercriminals

Companies need to look for ways to go on the offensive against 'industrialised' cyber-criminals, finds a report from BT and…

8 years ago

EU Looks To Protect Europe With £1.5bn Cybersecurity Programme

As part of Digital Single Market, the European Commission initiates public-private investment programme to strengthen Europe's cybersecurity credentials

8 years ago

LizardStresser Webcam Botnet Strikes Brazil And US With IoT Attacks

Large financial institutions and gaming companies are amongst those hit by the latest IoT botnet attacks

8 years ago

Chinese Android Malware Infected 1.4m Devices, Earned £376,000 A Day

The rapidly spreading 'Hummer' Trojan installs unwanted apps, uses up bandwidth and can't be removed

8 years ago

Chinese Gambling Website Victim Of 470 Gbps DDoS Attack

'Largest assault to date' for mitigation provider Imperva Incapsula as gambling company hit by nine-vector DDoS

8 years ago

Belgian Appeal Strikes Down Facebook Privacy Ruling

The appeal annuls a ruling that had prompted Facebook to block access to its Belgian site for non-users

8 years ago

Euro 2016: Official App Exposes Personal Data

The influx of fans to France for Euro 2016 may represent a significant security risk for enterprises

8 years ago

InfoSec 2016: Why Ransomware Should Be Your Number One Concern

VIDEO: ESET’s Mark James tells us how to best protect from particularly painful malware

8 years ago

Will Differential Privacy Give Data-Focused Firms Both Security and Privacy?

Apple will use differential privacy to collect data on groups while keeping individuals anonymous. This emphasises privacy, while giving access…

8 years ago

Android Malware Disguises Itself As WhatsApp, Uber And Google Play

Don't fall for it. Devious malware utilises user interfaces of Android apps in order to steal sensitive data

8 years ago

Serious Vulnerabilities In Symantec Products Are ‘As Bad As It Gets’

Vulnerabilities “are as bad as it gets” says Google's Project Zero, and could endanger millions of users

8 years ago

Blindspotter Uses Machine Learning To Find Suspicious Network Activity

The use of machine learning to identify suspicious online activity is a new and important capability in securing the network,…

8 years ago

NASCAR Team Partners Malwarebytes After Ransomware Attack

Malwarebytes becomes sponsor of NASCAR team after its testing data was encrypted by ransomware

8 years ago

US Customs To Request Social Media Data For Passengers

Fresh privacy concern? US Customs proposes to screen social media profiles of travellers to the United States

8 years ago

Office 365 Users Hit By ‘Widespread’ Ransomware Attack

But Microsoft insists that only a small number of Office 365 were targetted and the attack was blocked within hours

8 years ago

Cisco Buys Cloud Security Vendor CloudLock

CloudLock's technology protects content based on remote services such as Office365, Google Drive and Salesforce

8 years ago

CryptXXX Variant Scores £26,000 In Ransomware Payments

An update to the CryptXXX ransomware has already received substantial ransom payments over a period of less than three weeks,…

8 years ago