Normally headline-grabbing, Lady Gaga has been unusually quiet about the theft of fans' email addresses from her site
Google's Android 3.2 Honeycomb OS is improving to allow existing Android phone apps to run on tablets
A security researcher used Chrome OS ScratchPad to show how permissions can be abused to steal data
Genuitec and Skyway deliver MyEclipse Bling, an integrated development environment for IBM WebSphere
Nortel may have to negotiate another legal obstacle before it can realise the value of its patents sales
Apple is claiming its App Store currently boasts 425,000 apps and has passed the 15 billion download marker
McAfee has analysed the resilient and destructive botnet that paralysed South Korean Websites in March
Microsoft will release four bulletins next week for vulnerabilities in Windows and the Office productivity suite
Microsoft released the latest statistics for the crippled Rustock spam server it helped to take down in March
Oracle offers iPad access to enterprise applications via Sun Ray Software and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Gartner survey shows CFOs to be sceptical of IT's business value and do not see CIOs as strategic partners
The social networking giant also adds group chat, improved interface, and reveals it has 750 million users
Yahoo's Raymie Stata acknowledges Hadoop's core needs refining before it can become a de facto industry standard
Google's Swiffy tool allows developers to convert animations to HTML5 for devices that don't support Flash
This week will see the launch of the UK Cloud Alliance which, according to Grant Tanner, will offer a complete…
Circle Hack is an unofficial Facebook application that imitates one of the key features of the new Google+
Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Apps are being revamped to match the look of the new Google+ social network
Google's Chrome browser has attained 20 percent market share, according to some counts
Google said it is readying a patch for a privacy flaw in Google+ that involves the 'resharing' feature
Microsoft is closing its Hohm energy-consumption initiative in May and Google is retiring PowerMeter
Networking giant Cisco is also entering the apps marketplace with its own ecosystem for the Cius tablet
The Eclipse Foundation's annual release train for 2011, Indigo, focuses on Java developers
Microsoft has stepped in to take advantage of enterprise dilemmas over Mozilla's new Firefox 5
HP has announced a monthly magazine that will highlight featured apps in order to grow its WebOS ecosystem
Google's search advertising practices will be the subject of subpoenas from the US Federal Trade Commission
The FBI seized over 40 computers and arrested two individuals to break up two separate scareware scams
The Winklevoss twins have decided to settle with Facebook but another case is shaping up for court hearings
The fifth certificate authority to be hacked this year, StartSSL has suspended its free SSL offer indefinitely
Google is facing stiff competition from Facebook online, despite topping the billion unique visitor mark in May