Comedian turned political revolutionary teams up with Startjoin to help raise funds
Green Party would support open source and bill of digital rights but rules out technology for technology's sake if it…
Tories say technology will create jobs, aid regional development and overhaul public services, but suggest more surveillance powers will be…
Businesses, communities and operators can thrive in smart cities, Huawei enterprise CEO tells TechWeekEurope
Microsoft and the Norwegian national football team explain how analytics and video could aid the squad and the country's health…
From video reviews to statistical analysis, tech is changing cricket according to ICC CEO David Richardson and Adam Gilchrist -…
New algorithm can identify integer overflows, one of the most widely encountered bugs in computer programs
SAP HANA powered analysis help ICC keep cricket fans interested amid fierce competition from other sports
$1bn acquisition will boost software business to around $700bn, claims Lexmark
Government report says the UK should aim to be a global centre for cyber security insurance
Sean Jackson, CMO at EXASOL, an analytic database management software company, believes the UK Government is finally getting something spot…
Martin Ashall, UKI CTO for CA Technologies tells TechWeekEurope that a mobility strategy without DevOps at its core is doomed…
Red Bull’s Al Peasland tells TechWeekEurope how much new developments are helping further Formula One
Staff often just too busy to cope with new government guidelines, Iron Mountain report claims
Andreas Grabner, technology strategist at Dynatrace, describes three important steps that could ensure your business doesn't face extinction
Another potential blow for storage server sales? Google touts cheap long-term cloud storage option for companies
Airport management have installed a sensor solution and analysis platform to improve passenger satisfaction and optimise operations
Paul Cash, MD at cloud services management firm, Fruition Partners UK, examines self-service support and wonders if internal IT consumers…
Met Police wants to expand trial of Vodafone 4G-enabled tablets after success in the field
Finnair's architect in corporate information management explain's how the airline has benefited from a Microsoft Office 365 implementation
A new standard has been agreed to vastly simplify application development for enterprise apps
Vodafone Foundation's Instant Classroom created to bring tablet-based teaching to refugee camps
"We're at the right place and right time," says Bernie Spang, VP, Software Defined Infrastructure of IBM’s Systems & Technology…
European Commission report places Denmark top, and praises UK on availability of cheap, fast broadband
IBM's predictive analytics to glean apps, IoT and Big Data with help of network hardware
Deutsche Bank attempts to secure standardised IT infrastructure while lowering costs
IBM announces SoftLayer data centre expansions and new hybrid cloud tools
Crowdsourcing has become commonplace in the IT sector, but James Gardner, SVP at innovation management software firm, Mindjet, wonders just…
Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) deploys iPass for electronic manuals and cheaper communications
Strategic pounce for automation to keep Infosys in the SaaS delivery race