Conservatives have struck the Broadband Tax out of the Labour budget, in a move which could cost them rural votes

Conservatives have struck the Broadband Tax out of the Labour budget, in a move which could cost them rural votes
Nearly 200,000 homes in the in the South-West could get access to BT's "high ca-pasty" broadband
Ofcom is threatening to flex its muscles, after research showed that UK web users are still not getting the broadband speeds promised by their ISPs
Google's offer to test 1G-bps broadband access in U.S. communities drew responses from more than 1,100 communities and 194,000 individuals
Gordon Brown today laid out the government's strategy to transform Britain into a leading digital power, but contradictory measures in the Digital Economy Bill could foil his plans
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has pledged superfast broadband for all by 2020, as well as an online platform to deliver personalised public services
Home of the Future will host the nation’s fastest broadband, provided by Virgin Media, at the Ideal Home Show 2010
A new report analysing the distribution of rural broadband subsidies has found the Tories' "wait and see" policy could do them out of the rural vote
Stephen Timms has attacked the Conservative Party's new proposal for the rollout of super-fast broadband via Twitter
A new Government report has warned that the rollout of super-fast broadband in the UK would only reach 70 percent of the country, if it was left purely to market forces
German Chancellor Angela Merkel highlighted the risks of new technology and its role in the financial crisis, at the CeBIT tech trade fair in Hannover
Video chats via your TV are now possible after Samsung became the latest manufacturer to include Skype on its broadband-enabled HD televisions
Google's plan to build an ultrafast broadband network could be facing some competition after reports suggest that Cisco Systems is readying plans for its own 1Gbps broadband network
A cross party group of MPs has slammed the government's proposed 50 pence broadband tax as 'unfair' and called it an 'ill-directed charge'
Europe needs fast broadband to compete, but the EC will not allow telcos to take advantage and establish monopolies, said Commissioner Viviane Reding