Telecoms regulator Ofcom to investigate BT and subsidiaries EE and Plusnet over potential lack of clarity in customer contracts

Telecoms regulator Ofcom to investigate BT and subsidiaries EE and Plusnet over potential lack of clarity in customer contracts
Iran, China blow? Internet shutdowns by authoritarian regimes will not prevent WhatsApp users from messaging, Meta confirms
Bye-bye mobile not-spots? Partnership will deliver satellite-based messaging for premium handsets running Android OS
Expanding global connectivity. 2Africa cable consortium includes MTN GlobalConnect, Meta Platforms, Vodafone and others
UK government says Elon Musk's Starlink satellites will form part of its trial to tackle decent broadband connectivity to remote locations
European Commission unveils plans for airlines to implement 5G connectivity onboard, for aeroplane passengers
China claims it has reduced video gaming among youngsters to less than 3 hours a week, after limiting gaming to 3 hours a week
Consequence for ballistic missile test? Internet access in North Korea suffers its largest outage in months on Thursday
Emergency feature for Apple iPhone 14 handset users coming to the UK, France, Germany and Ireland in December
Regulator backs government decision to remove obligation for fax services under the Universal Service Order (USO) legislation
The United Kingdom is using its cyber expertise to protect Ukraine’s critical national infrastructure from Russian cyberattacks
Starlink challenger. Project Kuiper internet satellites are to be constructed at new factory in the Seattle suburb of Kirkland
More speed vicar? New chip design sees ultra-fast data transmission at a rate of 1.84 petabits per second...and more speed is possible
Amid Internet shutdowns and ongoing protests over the death of Mahsa Amini, Starlink terminals are reportedly being smuggled into Iran
Connectivity with the British mainland restored for the Shetland and Faroe Isles, after damage last week to two subsea cables
Police declare major incident, as damage to subsea cable cuts Shetland's communications including phones, internet off from British mainland
Elon Musk's satellite internet service from SpaceX pushes into in-flight connectivity sector with rollout of Starlink Aviation
Elon Musk says he will continue funding Starlink satellite broadband in Ukraine, a day after indicating he could pull the plug
In-depth phase two investigation of Viasat's Inmarsat deal officially confirmed by UK regulator, after finding competition concerns last week
Lower priced ad-supported subscription plan set to arrive in November, to operate alongside existing ad-free plans
Removal of Hauwei 5G kit from network 'cores' extended from January 2023 to December 2023, after BT warning
Competitor for Starlink edges closer, after Amazon confirms launch in early 2023 of two prototype satellites for Project Kuiper
The UK has risen one place in Surfshark's Digital Quality of Life index, but is ranked 32nd globally for 'Internet quality'
Tesla CEO flatly denies allegation that he spoke to Russia's Vladimir Putin before posting his controversial Twitter poll about Ukraine
British competition regulator, the CMA, to deepen investigation, after finding merger could lead to higher Wi-Fi prices for airlines
Potential merger between the UK's third and fourth largest mobile networks will likely face intense regulatory scrutiny
Tesla CEO widely criticised after he tweeted his thoughts about how Ukraine should appease Russia for its invasion of that sovereign nation
United Nations stops Russia installing their own candidate for secretary-general of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Singapore owner of hacked Australian telecoms operator must pay cost of replacing passports and drivers licences, Australian minister says
Swedish telecoms giant Ericsson says hardware is not exported to Russia, but it still provides software and technical support